Elemental Gearbolt

Elemental Gearbolt

Developer: AlfaSystem    Publisher: Working Designs    Release: 08/10/98    Genre: Rail Shooter Working Designs, while famous for localizing many a RPG that would have never left Japan, would also publish games spanning a variety of genres. Often their odd choices would...
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Parasol Stars: the Story of Bubble Bobble III

Parasol Stars: the Story of Bubble Bobble III

Developer: Taito    Publisher: Working Designs    Release: 10/91    Genre: Action Wow. This one surprised me. Parasol Stars is a game I have been aware of for a very long time but never did get around to. Considering my adoration of the...
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Thunder Force V – Perfect System

Thunder Force V – Perfect System

Developer: Technosoft    Publisehr: Working Designs    Release: 11/13/98   Genre: Shooter With the advent of 3d the shooter genre was in a weird place. For the most part most developers were content to pump out exquisite 2d games that would never...
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Developer: Taito    Publisher: Working Designs    Release: 09/97   Genre: Shooter Sega’s surprise Saturn launch in the US meant new releases was slow in the early months. Galactic Attack was an early bright spot in that period and managed to stand...
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Shining Wisdom

Shining Wisdom

Developer: Sonic Software Planning   Publisher: Working Designs   Release: 06/27/96   Genre: Action RPG Sega continually knocks it out of the park with the Shining Force tactical Rpgs. However every time they stray from that genre we end up with mixed re...
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Lunar – the Silver Star

Lunar – the Silver Star

Developer: Studio Alex    Publisher: Working Designs    Release: 12/93    Genre: RPG Ever since I saw screenshots of Exile’s cutscenes the idea of a RPG on a CD-ROM fascinated me. With all of that space you could have full blown...
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Dragon Force

Dragon Force

Developer: Sega     Publisher: Working Designs     Released: 11/30/96     Genre: Strategy Strategy games have always been my blind spot. Be it real time strategy or simulation, for the longest time I could not get into the genre. Maybe it stems fro...
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Silpheed: the Lost Planet

Silpheed: the Lost Planet

Developer: Treasure    Publisher: Working Designs    Release: 04/10/01   Genre: Shooter By the end of the 32-bit era the modern shooter was all but gone from the West. While we would occasionally get a home port of the really cool arcade...
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Exile: Wicked Phenomenon

Exile: Wicked Phenomenon

Developer: Telenet    Publisher: Working Designs    Released: 07/31/93     Genre: Action RPG I have always had a soft spot for Exile. I thought the protagonist Sadler looked so cool in all of the magazine previews and while I had to settle...
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Developer: Renovation    Publisher: Working Designs    Release: 1992   Genre: Action Exile is one of the Turbo CD games I wanted to play the most. Why I became so obsessed with it is a bit of a mystery. But if I...
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