Neo Contra

Neo Contra

Developer: KCET    Publisher: Konami    Released: 10/19/04    Genre: Action Contra saw some dark days but Konami was able to right the ship with Contra: Shattered Soldier. Although it was incredibly difficult it had everything you could want in a next generation...
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Contra: Shattered Soldier

Contra: Shattered Soldier

Developer: KCET     Publisher: Konami     Released: 10/23/2002     Genre: Action At the end of the PlayStation era Contra as a series was in danger of fading away. What once stood for some of the most bad ass action games on the...
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C: the Contra Adventure

C: the Contra Adventure

Developer: Appaloosa    Publisher: Konami    Release: 08/31/98   Genre: Action Anyone who had the misfortune of playing Contra: Legacy of War was scarred. The game was so bad it single-handedly ruined the series legacy of excellence. Yet two years later...
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Contra: Legacy of War

Contra: Legacy of War

Developer: Appaloosa    Publisher: Konami    Release: 11/21/96 (PS1), 05/21/97 (Saturn)    Genre: Action Coming off the back of Hard Corps Contra enjoyed a new wave of popularity and quality. That game was one of the best action games of that era...
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Psycho Chaser

Psycho Chaser

Developer: Sting    Publisher: Naxat Soft    Release: 04/06/90    Genre: Action The Turbo Grafx was a decent console in the US but had a fantastic library in Japan. Almost every console has hidden gems that were left in Japan but next to...
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Elemental Master

Elemental Master

Developer: Technosoft    Publisher: Renovation    Released: 1993    Genre: Shooter Anyone who is a fan of shooters knows about the Thunder Force series. Developer Technosoft proved that they were a master at the genre with those titles but they were j...
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Super R-Type

Super R-Type

Developer: Irem     Publisher: Irem     Released: 09/91     Genre: Shooter Super R-Type was my introduction to the series. Where most had the fortune of playing versions on the Master System, Turbo Grafx or the original arcade game I was not as for...
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Forgotten Worlds

Forgotten Worlds

Developer: Sega    Publisher: Sega    Release: 12/89    Genre: Shooter Even after all these decades the 80s action craze still finds ways to entertain. If you are a child of the 90s or later sadly you missed out. This...
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Macross 2036

Macross 2036

Developer: Masaya      Publisher: NCS      Released: April 3, 1992      Genre: Shooter The world of video game imports was a strange place for me up until around 2001 or so.  I knew it was possible to buy Japanese video games and had...
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Developer: Wolf Team   Publisher: Renovation   Release: 1990   Genre: Shooter I have never been much of a fan of tank based games. My dislike probably stems from playing Jackal in coop with a scrub and if you have ever been in...
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