Gradius II

Gradius II

Developer: Konami    Publisher: Konami    Release: 12/16/88    Genre: Shooter I am sure there are millions like myself who just assumed that Konami’s Life Force was the sequel to Gradius. Both shared similar ships and near identical power-up systems and enemies....
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Star Wars

Star Wars

Developer: Beam Software    Publisher: JVC    Release: 11/91    Genre: Action I am not the biggest Star Wars fan in the world but I did enjoy the movies a great deal. So it is a bit ironic that I did not...
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Abadox: the Deadly Inner War

Abadox: the Deadly Inner War

Developer: Natsume     Publisher: Milton Bradley     Released: 1990     Genre: Shooter Abadox is like an alternate reality version of Life Force by another publisher. At times it is so similar I wonder how Natsume avoided criminal charges. That fac...
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Heavy Barrel

Heavy Barrel

Developer: Data East    Publisher: Data East    Release: 1990   Genre: Action These days I am not one for multiplayer in most forms. While the majority of the gaming population moves from one multiplayer shooter to the next or enjoys coop...
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 Developer: Compile    Publisher: Seismic    Release: 02/91    Genre: Shooter Ah yes, the game with the ridiculous acronym. M.U.S.H.A, or Metallic Uniframe Super Hybrid Armor is one of the greatest games for the Genesis. I love low profile games like...
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Magical Chase

Magical Chase

Developer: Quest     Publisher: TTI     Released: 1993     Genre: Shooter At this point Magical Chase has become something of a legend within the video game industry. You simply cannot talk about it without mentioning the ridiculous prices it comman...
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Life Force

Life Force

Developer: Konami    Publisher: Konami    Release: 08/88   Genre: Shooter I along with millions of kids always assumed Life Force was the sequel to Gradius. It would come a year later, feature an identical power-up system and even star the same...
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Final Blaster

Final Blaster

Developer: Aisystem Tokyo   Publisher: Namco    Release: 09/28/90    Genre: Shooter Namco were one of the few third parties to support the Turbo Grafx-16 with a variety of software. Final Lap Twin and Dragon Spirit are two great games but I’m...
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Contra (Japan)

Contra (Japan)

Developer: Konami    Publisher: Konami    Release: 02/09/88   Genre: Action We live in a time now where a significant number of Japanese video games are released almost simultaneously worldwide. That is a tremendous feat regardless of title but is espec...
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Contra Spirits

Contra Spirits

Developer: Ei-How Yang    Publisher: Hosenkan Electronics    Released: 1997    Genre: Action As a fan of Contra I was shocked to learn of the staggering number of bootleg and unlicensed games in the series created overseas. Most of these games were si...
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