Gradius II

Gradius II

Developer: Konami    Publisher: Konami    Release: 12/16/88    Genre: Shooter I am sure there are millions like myself who just assumed that Konami’s Life Force was the sequel to Gradius. Both shared similar ships and near identical power-up systems and enemies....
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Abadox: the Deadly Inner War

Abadox: the Deadly Inner War

Developer: Natsume     Publisher: Milton Bradley     Released: 1990     Genre: Shooter Abadox is like an alternate reality version of Life Force by another publisher. At times it is so similar I wonder how Natsume avoided criminal charges. That fac...
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 Developer: Compile    Publisher: Seismic    Release: 02/91    Genre: Shooter Ah yes, the game with the ridiculous acronym. M.U.S.H.A, or Metallic Uniframe Super Hybrid Armor is one of the greatest games for the Genesis. I love low profile games like...
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Magical Chase

Magical Chase

Developer: Quest     Publisher: TTI     Released: 1993     Genre: Shooter At this point Magical Chase has become something of a legend within the video game industry. You simply cannot talk about it without mentioning the ridiculous prices it comman...
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Life Force

Life Force

Developer: Konami    Publisher: Konami    Release: 08/88   Genre: Shooter I along with millions of kids always assumed Life Force was the sequel to Gradius. It would come a year later, feature an identical power-up system and even star the same...
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Final Blaster

Final Blaster

Developer: Aisystem Tokyo   Publisher: Namco    Release: 09/28/90    Genre: Shooter Namco were one of the few third parties to support the Turbo Grafx-16 with a variety of software. Final Lap Twin and Dragon Spirit are two great games but I’m...
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Elemental Master

Elemental Master

Developer: Technosoft    Publisher: Renovation    Released: 1993    Genre: Shooter Anyone who is a fan of shooters knows about the Thunder Force series. Developer Technosoft proved that they were a master at the genre with those titles but they were j...
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Super R-Type

Super R-Type

Developer: Irem     Publisher: Irem     Released: 09/91     Genre: Shooter Super R-Type was my introduction to the series. Where most had the fortune of playing versions on the Master System, Turbo Grafx or the original arcade game I was not as for...
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Macross 2036

Macross 2036

Developer: Masaya      Publisher: NCS      Released: April 3, 1992      Genre: Shooter The world of video game imports was a strange place for me up until around 2001 or so.  I knew it was possible to buy Japanese video games and had...
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Wings of Wor

Wings of Wor

Developer: NSC    Publisher: Dreamworks    Release: 08/08/91    Genre: Shooter Now here’s one you do not hear about often. In the Sega Genesis’s library shooters starring angels of destruction can be counted on one hand with extra fingers.  You w...
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