Light Crusader

Light Crusader

Developer: Treasure     Publisher: Sega     Released: 1995     Genre: Action Rpg Throughout Treasure’s long and storied history they have created many a legendary action and shooting game.  They have only occasionally dabbled in other genres.  The one genre they have almost completed...
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Revenge of Shinobi

Revenge of Shinobi

Developer: Sega    Publisher: Sega    Release: 12/89   Genre: Action The Revenge of Shinobi was probably one of the first killer apps for the Sega Genesis. That is a bold statement but completely true. In the early years of the system’s...
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Wonder Boy in Monster World

Wonder Boy in Monster World

Developer: Westone    Publisher: Sega    Release: 1991    Genre: Action RPG The Wonder Boy games started out as slightly unique platformers at the genre’s beginning but it wouldn’t be long before the series would explore other genres.  Wonder Boy...
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Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse

Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse

Developer: Sega    Publisher: Sega    Release: 11/26/90   Genre: Platformer Capcom usually gets the majority of the praise when the discussing Disney licensed titles. And rightfully so I might add. At a time where LJN and Ocean basically treated any lic...
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King Colossus: Tougi Ou

King Colossus: Tougi Ou

Developer: Sega    Publisher: Sega    Release: 06/26/92    Genre: Action RPG While it is a fact that the Genesis is missing the breadth and depth of the SNES’s RPG library I must say that Sega did a pretty good job overall of...
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