Kaizō Choujin Shubibinman

Kaizō Choujin Shubibinman

Developer: Winds    Publisher: NCS    Release: 03/18/89    Genre: Platformer I’ve always been interested in the Shubibinman series since seeing import screenshots in EGM. The early days of the Turbo Grafx had a lot of promise before reality came crushing down and...
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Bonanza Bros.

Bonanza Bros.

Developer: ITL Co.   Publisher: Sega    Release: 10/91    Genre: Action Of all of Sega’s arcade titles Bonanza Bros. is one of the few I am the least familiar with. I never saw it in the arcade and heard nothing about...
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X-Men 2: the Clone Wars

X-Men 2: the Clone Wars

I wanted to really like Sega’s X-Men but it had far too many flaws.  Between the limited roster, spotty hit detection, restrictive mutant power system, and ridiculous difficulty that game had problems.  But I’ll be god damned if the production...
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Ardy Lightfoot

Ardy Lightfoot

Developer: ASCII     Publisher: Titus     Released: 02/94     Genre: Platformer It is funny to look back on the mascot craze of the 16-bit era. For some god forsaken reason every publisher felt they needed a mascot. The idea that a smart assed...
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Adventure Island II

Adventure Island II

Developer: Now Production    Publisher: Hudson Soft    Released: 02/91    Genre: Platformer Adventure Island was a decent game on its own merits. But through no fault of its own I did not like it. True, I was never fond of Wonder Boy,...
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Almana no Kiseki

Almana no Kiseki

Developer: Konami     Publisher: Konami     Released: August 11, 1987    Genre: Action I’ve been fascinated by the Famicom Disk System ever since I learned of its existence years after the fact. It was nice to learn what the expansion on the...
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Great Circus Mystery starring Mickey & Minnie

Great Circus Mystery starring Mickey & Minnie

Developer: Capcom    Publisher: Capcom    Release: 10/94   Genre: Platformer Capcom did justice to the Disney license with their various NES titles. Some of those titles are among the greatest video games of all time. So it stands to reason that...
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Disney’s Hercules

Disney’s Hercules

Developer: Eurocom     Publisher: Disney Interactive     Released: 07/01/97     Genre: Platform Disney’s Hercules is an anomaly. It’s hard to believe now but once upon a time some of the brightest creators in the video game industry devoted...
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Rocket Knight Adventures

Rocket Knight Adventures

Developer: Konami    Publisher: Konami    Release: 08/05/93   Genre: Platformer When Konami first began publishing Genesis titles the initial batch was not that impressive. Sunset Riders was a compromised port and the Hyperstone Heist couldn’t decide ...
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DuckTales 2

DuckTales 2

Developer: Capcom    Publisher: Capcom    Release: 06/93   Genre: Platformer DuckTales is a legendary game and one of the greatest games of all time. At a time when licensed games were routinely horrible Capcom showed that if you handled it with...
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