Krion Conquest

Krion Conquest

Developer: Vik Tokai   Publisher: Vik Tokai   Released: 01/91    Genre: Action Mega Man is one of my favorite video game series of all time. Even at its lowest points I’ve still been able to enjoy the games despite their...
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Mickey to Donald: Magical Quest 3

Mickey to Donald: Magical Quest 3

Developer: Capcom     Publisher: Capcom     Release: 12/08/95    Genre: Platformer Capcom’s Magical Quest series was one of the biggest surprises of the 16-bit era for me. I suppose I should have expected greatness coming off the back of their 8-bi...
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G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero

Developer: KID    Publisher: Taxan    Release: 01/91   Genre: Action I was a huge fan of Transformers and G.I. Joe growing up. I am talking owning the toys, watching every episode of the cartoons and holding mock battles with the action...
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Donkey Kong Country

Donkey Kong Country

Developer: Rare    Publisher: Nintendo    Release: 11/21/94   Genre: Platformer Anytime a book about the 16-bit era is written a chapter needs to be written about Donkey Kong Country. Few games have had the impact that Donkey Kong Country had on...
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Totally Rad

Totally Rad

Developer: Aicom   Publisher: Jaleco    Release: 10/91   Genre: Action It takes a lot of courage to name your game Totally Rad. If it is terrible the game will linger on in infamy for eternity as the butt of endless...
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Super Star Wars: the Empire Strikes Back

Super Star Wars: the Empire Strikes Back

Developer: Sculptured Software    Publisher: JVC    Released: 06/01/93    Genre: Action Super Star Wars was a sensation when it released. For the first time the Star Wars license was an excellent run and gun action platformer. It went on to big critic...
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Dahna: Megami Tanjo

Dahna: Megami Tanjo

Developer: I.G.S    Publisher: I.G.S    Release: 12/20/91    Genre: Action Say what you will about Sega today but back in the 16-bit era they gave the Genesis excellent support. If third parties would or could not support the system they licensed thei...
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Developer: Konami    Publisher: Konami    Release: 1994    Genre: Platformer Of all the mascot platformers released during the 16-bit era Rocket Knight Adventures was easily one of the best. It was both original and insanely fun, with its fantastic le...
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Developer: Advance Communication Company    Publisher: Bandai    Release: 04/90    Genre: Action I was never fond of Dynowarz. That is pretty harsh but I figure I might as well get that out of the way. On paper it has everything a kid...
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Demolition Man

Demolition Man

Developer: Alexandria    Publisher: Acclaim    Release: 1995    Genre: Action Demolition Man was the action blockbuster of 1994. Well, at least one of them. Honestly that was a pretty stellar year for action movies with the likes of True Lies, Speed,.....
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