An American Tail: Fievel Goes West

An American Tail: Fievel Goes West

Developer: Hudson Soft    Publisher: Hudson Soft    Released: 1994    Genre: Platformer It is only recently that I have noticed the almost complete absence of movie licensed games. Once a staple of the industry it was not a question of if a...
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Keith Courage in the Alpha Zones

Keith Courage in the Alpha Zones

Developer: Hudson Soft     Publisher: NEC     Released: 1989     Genre: Platformer New system launches are always an exciting time for video game fans. The promise of new technology and what it may bring to the games you love is always exciting. Th...
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Developer: Sonic Team      Publisher: Sega      Released: 02/16/95      Genre: Platformer I love the period toward the end of a console’s life. With years of experience under their belt developers have crafted some truly exceptional, hardware ...
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Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle

Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle

Developer: Sega    Publisher: Sega    Release: 12/89   Genre: Platformer I am kind of surprised Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle was not the pack-in game for the Sega Genesis. Altered Beast was an impressive technical showpiece for its time but...
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Power Blade 2

Power Blade 2

Developer: Natsume    Publisher: Taito    Release: 10/92   Genre: Action Power Blade was one of the rare times the US version of a game was better than its Japanese counterpart. Power Blazer was a complete mess of a game that was...
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Bomberman 64

Bomberman 64

Developer: Hudson Soft    Publisher: Nintendo    Release: 11/30/97   Genre: Action The Bomberman series has always been hailed as great because of its raucous multiplayer. But while the multiplayer antics have kept it in high esteem the single player ha...
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Burning Rangers

Burning Rangers

Developer: Sonic Team    Publisher: Sega    Release: 05/28/98   Genre: Action The last days of a console are usually filled with technically impressive games that no one thought possible on the hardware. From Donkey Kong Country to the Last of Us,...
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Gargoyle’s Quest 2

Gargoyle’s Quest 2

Developer: Capcom    Publisher: Capcom    Release: 10/92    Genre: Action I was not much of a handheld gamer growing up. Money was tight and the choice between buying more games for the console I own and a handheld was an easy one....
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Super Adventure Island

Super Adventure Island

Developer: Hudson Soft    Publisher: Hudson Soft    Release: 04/92   Genre: Platformer I was late in coming around to the Adventure Island series. For some reason I was obsessed with the first game until I played it. That is when I...
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Developer: Winds    Publisher: TTI    Release: 11/22/92   Genre: Action Toward the end of my Turbo Grafx-16 fanboyism Shockman was one of the last titles I looked to in order to justify owning the system. The Turbo CD/Duo was...
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