Luigi’s Mansion

Luigi’s Mansion

Developer: Nintendo EAD    Publisher: Nintendo     Released: November 18, 2001     Genre: Action In 2001 the thought of a Nintendo system launching without a Mario game was ludicrous.  After all, every prior system either had a Mario title packed in or...
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Mario Kart 64

Mario Kart 64

Developer: Nintendo EAD     Publisher: Nintendo     Released: February 12, 1997     Genre: Racing The Nintendo 64’s early months were rough.  After a record setting Christmas the reality of the system’s anemic release schedule hit early adopte...
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Star Fox 64

Star Fox 64

Developer: Nintendo EAD      Publisher: Nintendo      Released: 06/30/97      Genre: Rail Shooter The early months of the N64 convinced me to never buy a new console near launch ever again. The release schedule wasn’t just bad, it was dire. Wh...
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Super Mario Kart

Super Mario Kart

Developer: Nintendo EAD    Publisher: Nintendo    Release: 09/01/92   Genre: Racing Super Mario Kart really is an amazing game when you think about it. With its crude Mode 7 terrain and honestly plodding pace it should fail as a racing game....
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Developer: Nintendo EAD    Publisher: Nintendo    Release: 08/23/91    Genre: Simulation There were many gimmicky titles released early in the Super Nintendo’s life. Mode 7 was the new buzzword and everyone shoved it into their games, sometimes haph...
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Illusion of Gaia

Illusion of Gaia

Developer: Quintet    Publisher: Nintendo    Released: 09/01/94    Genre: Action RPG I really enjoyed Soul Blazer back when I played it in 1993. It had an interesting structure compared to the typical action RPGs of the time and was enjoyable because ...
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Cobra Triangle

Cobra Triangle

Developer: Rare    Publisher: Nintendo    Release: 07/89   Genre: Vehicular Combat Sometimes I miss the days when a game could come along and genuinely surprise me. True, I could completely avoid all information on titles that I am even slightly interes...
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Eternal Darkness – Sanity’s Requiem

Eternal Darkness – Sanity’s Requiem

Developer: Silicon Knights     Publisher: Nintendo     Released: 06/24/02     Genre: Action As a Nintendo 64 owner until the very end I looked forward to Eternal Darkness almost as much as Zelda. As one of the proposed last N64 games it was ambitio...
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Goldeneye 007

Goldeneye 007

Developer: Rare    Publisher: Nintendo    Release: 08/25/97   Genre: FPS Goldeneye 007 should not have been a success. There were a number of factors working against it. It was released in 1997, two years after the film hit theaters. It was...
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Star Fox

Star Fox

Developer: Argonaut/Nintendo     Publisher: Nintendo     Released: 03/23/93     Genre: Rail Shooter I’m not ashamed to admit that I scoffed at Star Fox initially. In 1993 16-bit continued the stride started in 1992 with beautiful 2d games appeari...
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