Adventures of Dino Riki

Adventures of Dino Riki

Developer: Hudson Soft     Publisher: Hudson Soft     Released: 1989     Genre: Shooter The Adventures of Dino Riki is a game that I am completely apathetic toward. I do not dislike it like I do the old Wonder Boy games. But I also...
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An American Tail: Fievel Goes West

An American Tail: Fievel Goes West

Developer: Hudson Soft    Publisher: Hudson Soft    Released: 1994    Genre: Platformer It is only recently that I have noticed the almost complete absence of movie licensed games. Once a staple of the industry it was not a question of if a...
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Bomberman 64

Bomberman 64

Developer: Hudson Soft    Publisher: Nintendo    Release: 11/30/97   Genre: Action The Bomberman series has always been hailed as great because of its raucous multiplayer. But while the multiplayer antics have kept it in high esteem the single player ha...
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Super Adventure Island

Super Adventure Island

Developer: Hudson Soft    Publisher: Hudson Soft    Release: 04/92   Genre: Platformer I was late in coming around to the Adventure Island series. For some reason I was obsessed with the first game until I played it. That is when I...
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Developer: Winds    Publisher: TTI    Release: 11/22/92   Genre: Action Toward the end of my Turbo Grafx-16 fanboyism Shockman was one of the last titles I looked to in order to justify owning the system. The Turbo CD/Duo was...
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Riot Zone

Riot Zone

Developer: Hudson Soft   Publisher: TTI   Release: 1993    Genre: Beat em up Next to shooters and platformers no other genre was as oversaturated in the 90s as the side-scrolling beat em up. Once Final Fight ignited the genre every...
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Mendel Palace

Mendel Palace

Developer: Game Freak    Publisher: Hudson Soft    Release: 12/12/89    Genre: Action In some ways I kind of miss blindly renting games. When you were young with no disposable income game rentals were your life blood. The only problem is there was...
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Jackie Chan’s Action Kung-Fu

Jackie Chan’s Action Kung-Fu

Developer: Now Production    Publisher: Hudson Soft    Release: 12/90   Genre: Action For all of Jackie Chan’s success in film his video game “career” has been less than stellar. Over the last few decades there have been close to twenty...
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Super Bomberman

Super Bomberman

Developer: Produce    Publisher: Hudson Soft    Release: 09/93   Genre: Action I was not a fan of Bomberman initially. The title sounded exotic and I pictured, I don’t know, Bomb Man from Mega Man in an action platformer. Instead I...
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Ninja Gaiden (PC Engine)

Ninja Gaiden (PC Engine)

Developer: Tecmo     Publisher: Hudson Soft     Released: 01/24/92     Genre: Action If I had to make a list of the games I have spent the most time with Ninja Gaiden would be in the top five. The amount of hours I have...
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