Developer: Capcom Publisher: Capcom Released: 01/96 Genre: Beat em up Final Fight 3 was a bit of an anomaly at release. 1995 was a sequel heavy year for Capcom, with Mega Man X3, Mega Man 7 and Breath of...
Developer: Hudson Soft Publisher: TTI Release: 1993 Genre: Beat em up Next to shooters and platformers no other genre was as oversaturated in the 90s as the side-scrolling beat em up. Once Final Fight ignited the genre every...
Developer: A-Wave Publisher: Sega Release: 03/25/93 Genre: Beat em up I know I was not the only one disappointed by the SNES release of Final Fight. As one of the biggest arcade games of all time many were...
Developer: Capcom Publisher: Capcom Release: 07/93 Genre: Beat em up The end of every console’s life is always bittersweet. In most cases some of the best games in a system’s library release in its twilight years. On the other hand...
Developer: Capcom Publisher: Capcom Release: 08/15/93 Genre: Beat em up Final Fight for the SNES disappointed many, not once but twice. While the game sold well the public outcry could not be denied. As a mea culpa Capcom created...