Developer: Now Production Publisher: Namco Release: 08/03/92 Genre: Beat em up It’s funny to look back at the original Splatterhouse. It was gory for its time and caused a bit of a stir. Yet kids like me...
Developer: Jaleco Publisher: Jaleco Release: 1992 Genre: Beat em up Once Final Fight hit big the beat em up genre truly exploded in popularity. Nearly every publisher at some point or another tried their hand at the genre, often with...
Developer: Technosoft Publisher: Technosoft Release: 12/03/94 Genre: Beat em up Any serious fan of shooters during the 16-bit era should be familiar with the name Technosoft. These underrated developers created some of the finest gems during that...
Developer: Konami Publisher: Ultra Games Release: 12/90 Genre: Beat em up Next to Turtles in Time and Street Fighter 2 I can safely say that there is not another arcade game I have pumped more quarters in than Konami’s...
Developer: Sun L Publisher: Banpresto Released: 03/26/93 Genre: Beat em up I can’t stress how much I’ve enjoyed Banpresto’s Great Battle series. Normally I’m not a fan of the SD aesthetic but somehow this series has a...
Developer: Namco Publisher: NEC Release: 1990 Genre: Beat em up Ah the innocent gaming years of the 80s. While everyone was busy pumping out bright and cheery platformers Namco said screw that and took inspiration from the horror...
Developer: Ancient Publisher: Sega Release: 1991 Genre: Beat em up With Final Fight setting the arcade on fire naturally most were anxious for a home port. Unfortunately for Sega owners the SNES would receive the exclusive for a number...
Developer: Capcom Publisher: Capcom Release: 04/94 Genre: Beat em up The King of Dragons is an interesting game. It was released not long after Final Fight blew the doors off the genre and a legion of imitators followed. It...
Developer: Technos Publisher: Tradewest Release: 06/88 Genre: Beat em up I really miss Technos. As the creators of the modern beat em up with Renegade the legions of titles that would follow all owe a debt to their work....
Developer: Opera House Publisher: Data East Release: 1992 Genre: Beat em up I have been a comic book reader for going on 31 years now. Marvel, DC, Image, IDW, it does not matter the publisher; if it is good...