Captain America & the Avengers

Captain America & the Avengers

Developer: Opera House    Publisher: Data East    Release: 1992   Genre: Beat em up I have been a comic book reader for going on 31 years now. Marvel, DC, Image, IDW, it does not matter the publisher; if it is good...
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Developer: Konami    Publisher: Konami    Release: 12/86    Genre: Shooter I am pretty sure Gradius was one of my first shooters outside of the Atari 2600. That statement applies to a legion of gamers as well. There were plenty of multiplayer...
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Art of Fighting

Art of Fighting

Developer: SNK     Publisher: Sega    Released: 1994     Genre: Fighting Art of Fighting has always held an interesting position in SNK’s fighting lineup. No one can argue that Fatal Fury was its bread and butter, to be succeeded by the King of...
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Final Fight

Final Fight

Developer: Capcom    Publisher: Capcom    Release: 11/10/91   Genre: Beat em up Final Fight is one of the most popular arcade games of all time. In terms of its relevance it did for beat em ups what Street Fighter did for...
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Night Striker

Night Striker

Developer: Aisystem Tokyo    Publisher: Taito    Release: 05/28/93    Genre: Shooter Anyone who was around in the 80s has bought more than one video game based off of screenshots, a magazine or ad. My interest in Night Striker was peaked due to...
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Bionic Commando

Bionic Commando

Developer: Capcom     Publisher: Capcom     Released: 12/88     Genre: Action To anyone who had the misfortune of playing the original Bionic Commando arcade game, I am sorry. While the germ of a good idea was there the sloppy execution was its...
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Joe & Mac

Joe & Mac

Developer: Eden Entertainment    Release: Takara    Release: 1994    Genre: Platformer I loved that weird period in the early 90s where caveman platformers were an actual thing. Bonk’s Adventure, Chuck Rock, Prehistorik Man, the Humans, I loved all of....
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Developer: Taito     Publisher: Working Designs     Released: 1991     Genre: Action Growing up I had a love/hate relationship with the arcade. The arcade was the place to see some of the most technologically advanced games of the time. And I loved...
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