Developer: Irem Publisher: NEC Release: 10/90 Genre: Action As a fan of the Turbo Grafx I had to accept certain things. One, that I would probably be the only one that owned one in my neighborhood. And...
Developer: Team Shinobi Publisher: Sega Release: 12/89 Genre: Beat em up The Sega Genesis and Turbo Grafx-16 launches were pretty significant events in the gaming industry. For the first time we were experiencing a hardware transition and all ...
Developer: Namco Publisher: NEC Release: 1990 Genre: Beat em up Ah the innocent gaming years of the 80s. While everyone was busy pumping out bright and cheery platformers Namco said screw that and took inspiration from the horror...
Developer: Sega Publisher: Tengen Release: 12/89 Genre: Shooter It’s surprising but as early as the mid-80s I was aware of console exclusives. I owned a NES but somehow knew that Sega did not make games for Nintendo and...
Developer: Konami Publisher: Konami Release: 06/08/93 Genre: Action Contra III is one of my favorite action games of all time. It holds up surprisingly well for an early SNES title and considering their later work on the system I...
Developer: Sega Publisher: Sega Release: 10/90 Genre: Action I really liked ESWAT in the arcade but unfortunately never had the chance to play it much because of distance. So when news of a Sega Genesis version of the game...
Developer: Namco Publisher: Tengen Released: 10/89 Genre: Action Rolling Thunder may be a forgotten series now but looking at the current gaming landscape it was very influential. All cover based shooters can trace their heritage back t...
Developer: Capcom Publisher: Capcom Release: 04/94 Genre: Beat em up The King of Dragons is an interesting game. It was released not long after Final Fight blew the doors off the genre and a legion of imitators followed. It...
Developer: Irem Publisher: NEC Release: 09/89 Genre: Shooter Of the many shooters that I have played over the decades I count three that shaped my tastes. Gradius was one of the first major shooters I ever played. There’s...
Developer: Technos Publisher: Tradewest Release: 06/88 Genre: Beat em up I really miss Technos. As the creators of the modern beat em up with Renegade the legions of titles that would follow all owe a debt to their work....