Night Creatures

Night Creatures

Developer: Manley & Associates, Inc.    Publisher: NEC    Release: 1992    Genre: Action I remember Night Creatures from first issue of Gamepro. Their review gave it average scores across the board and briefly listed its many faults. i also remember...
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Magical Pop’n

Magical Pop’n

Developer: Pack-In-Video   Publisher: Polestar Co.  Released: 03/10/95   Genre: Action As I plumb the import libraries of these old consoles I am continually astounded at the sheer number of hidden gems most have never heard of. You’ll hear plenty ab...
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Target Earth

Target Earth

Developer: Masaya    Publisher: Dreamworks    Release: 1990   Genre: Action The NES library covered pretty much all genres but conspicuously absent were games starring giant robots. No, Probotector does not count. If you explore the Famicom library you ...
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Bionic Commando

Bionic Commando

Developer: Capcom     Publisher: Capcom     Released: 12/88     Genre: Action To anyone who had the misfortune of playing the original Bionic Commando arcade game, I am sorry. While the germ of a good idea was there the sloppy execution was its...
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Mystic Formula

Mystic Formula

Developer: Micro Cabin    Publisher: Micro Cabin   Release: 07/23/93   Genre: Action The Turbo Grafx-16 is a haven for shooters of nearly all stripes be it horizontal or vertical. Unfortunately if you are a top down shooter fan the pickings...
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Developer: Taito     Publisher: Working Designs     Released: 1991     Genre: Action Growing up I had a love/hate relationship with the arcade. The arcade was the place to see some of the most technologically advanced games of the time. And I loved...
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Developer: Quintet    Publisher: Enix    Release: 11/91   Genre: Action/Simulation Actraiser was one of the first Super Nintendo games I played and probably what really sold me on a SNES. I have fond memories of pouring over its spread in issue...
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The Battle of Olympus

The Battle of Olympus

Developer: Infinity    Publisher: Broderbund    Release: 12/89    Genre: Action RPG Out of the entire NES library one of the games I spent the most time with was the Battle of Olympus. Not because it was difficult or exceptionally long but because...
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