Developer: Bits Studio Publisher: Irem Release: 11/92 Genre: Action I loved Contra III. It is one of my favorite action games of all time and blew my mind back in 1992. But you can only replay a game...
Developer: STI Publisher: Sega Release: 1992 Genre: Platformer I may not have been a fan of most of Sega Technical Institute’s output but I can acknowledge that it went a long way toward broadening the system’s library. While Japan...
Developer: TOSE Publisher: Angel Released: September 23, 1993 Genre: Shooter, Platformer I’ve never been a fan of the super deformed art style yet I still gave SD Gundam a chance out of sheer curiosity. My interest was rewarded with a...
Developer: Taito Publisher: Taito Released: 1992 Genre: Action In this day and age most arcade games consist of fighting odds, sit down cabinet racing games and the occasional rail shooter. Typically you’ll only find these in Dave &...
Developer: Riot Publisher: Riot Release: 12/11/92 Genre: Action I remember being severely disappointed when Renovation cancelled all of their American Super Nintendo games. I wasn’t aware of the reason why (Sega) but I was looking forward to...
Developer: Game Freak Publisher: Hudson Soft Release: 12/12/89 Genre: Action In some ways I kind of miss blindly renting games. When you were young with no disposable income game rentals were your life blood. The only problem is there was...
Developer: Wolf Team Publisher: Renovation Release: 11/91 Genre: Action Renovation were one of the Sega Genesis’ best early supporters with a range of titles spanning every genre. Some like the Valis series managed to achieve some level of pop...
Developer: Irem Publisher: NEC Release: 1989 Genre: Beat em up Irem’s Kung-Fu had a tremendous impact on me growing up. The NES port available at the system’s launch taught me a lot about game design without me realizing it....
Developer: Team Murata Keikaku Publisher: Konami Release: 01/92 Genre: Action You can be forgiven if you have never heard of Monster in my Pocket. Long before Pokemon dominated the world these little plastic figures enjoyed tremendous populari...
Developer: Sun L Publisher: Banpresto Release: 12/17/94 Genre: Action I have to give Banpresto credit, they certainly cannot be accused of resting on their laurels when it came to the Compati Hero series. Where the first game was a middling...