

Developer: Konami     Publisher: Ultra     Released: September 1990     Released: Action Konami picked up some very obscure and strange licenses toward the end of their NES run.  Bucky O’Hare might have been an obscure comic book and cartoon but made perfect sense...
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Chiki Chiki Boys

Chiki Chiki Boys

Developer: Visco    Publisher: Sega    Release: 1993    Genre: Platformer I like Chiki Chiki Boys.  But once upon a time that wasn’t the case. I thought the name was incredibly stupid and the childish box art did it no favors....
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Chester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool

Chester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool

Developer: System Vision    Publisher: Kaneko    Released: 1992    Genre: Action Once upon a time food mascots were popular enough to receive their own video games. And surprisingly some of these games were actually good! Cool Spot is an example of a....
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Dynamite Duke

Dynamite Duke

Developer: Seibu Kaihatsu    Publisher: Sega    Release: 12/90    Genre: Action Of the early Sega Genesis lineup Dynamite Duke was the last game I got around to. They say do not judge a book by its cover but that is precisely...
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Ikari Warriors

Ikari Warriors

Developer: Micronics    Publisher: SNK    Release: 05/87    Genre: Action Sometimes I miss the big dumb action movie phase of the 1980s. I will fully admit that most of those films were not good upon closer inspection. But they were at least...
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Super Spy Hunter

Super Spy Hunter

Developer: Tokai Engineering   Publisher: Sunsoft    Release: 02/92    Genre: Action Growing up Spy Hunter was the game everyone seemed to have in their library. But here’s the thing: no one liked it. The marketing for that game had to...
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Kaizō Choujin Shubibinman

Kaizō Choujin Shubibinman

Developer: Winds    Publisher: NCS    Release: 03/18/89    Genre: Platformer I’ve always been interested in the Shubibinman series since seeing import screenshots in EGM. The early days of the Turbo Grafx had a lot of promise before reality came cru...
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X-Men 2: the Clone Wars

X-Men 2: the Clone Wars

I wanted to really like Sega’s X-Men but it had far too many flaws.  Between the limited roster, spotty hit detection, restrictive mutant power system, and ridiculous difficulty that game had problems.  But I’ll be god damned if the production...
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Rush ‘n Attack

Rush ‘n Attack

Developer: Konami    Publisher: Konami    Release: 04/87    Genre: Action Konami wins the award for the cleverest title. I was too young when Rush ‘n Attack released to get the clever wording of the title and what it meant. All I...
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Wild Guns

Wild Guns

Developer: Natsume     Publisher: Natsume     Released: July 1995     Genre: Action I like Harvest Moon as much as the next man but I remember a different Natsume. At one point in time Natsume put out action games that competed with the likes...
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