Developer: Probe Publisher: Sega Release: 1994 Genre: Rail Shooter The Sega Menacer is among the least supported peripherals of all time. It is the epitome of a copycat as it was a clear attempt to one up the...
Developer: Zenovia Interactive Publisher: Tribute Games Release: 09/28/21 Genre: Action Also on: Switch, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series During the fifth generation 2d action games were a rare commodity. The fascina...
Developer: Microsmiths Publisher: Nuvision Release: 05/91 Genre: Action The early years of the Genesis pre-Sonic were rough. Sega had to provide the lion’s share of software for the system due to Nintendo’s strong arm tactics with third...
Developer: Konami Publisher: Konami Release: 01/94 Genre: Rail Shooter Light gun games were a staple of the arcade. Some might even say they were a cornerstone of the arcade industry like racing games and shooters. But for a time...
Developer: Pack-in-Video Publisher: Acclaim Release: 12/88 Genre: Action My memories of Knight Rider are few. I am sure I watched a few episodes of the TV show growing up. But outside of the cool talking car I...
Developer: Programancer Publisher: Retroware Release: 08/29/23 Genre: Action Also on: Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series I love retro games. That should be obvious; you are on my r...
Developer: Micronics Publisher:American Sammy Release: 08/89 Genre: Shooter I like shooters. Be it fantasy shooters, space shooters, or even the weird supernatural ones like Castle of Shikigami. I will even dabble with the occasional bullet h...
Developer: Capcom Publisher: Capcom Release: 2000 Genre: Action For a character who had only starred in three games Strider Hiryu’s popularity over the years is incredible. I guess that is the power of excellent character design. Speaking of d...
Developer: Capcom Publisher: NEC Avenue Release: 12/15/89 Genre: Shooter Side Arms is the second Turbo Grafx-16 game I ever owned. After suffering with Keith Courage for two months it was a massive relief to finally play something...
Developer: SNK Publisher: SNK Release: 06/90 Genre: Rail Shooter Light gun games were few and far between on the NES. Even though the NES Zapper came packaged with the system support was minimal. This is surprising as there were...