Deadly Towers

Deadly Towers

Developer: Lenar     Publisher: Broderbund     Released: 09/87     Genre: Action RPG Deadly Towers is almost unanimously voted as one of the worst games of all time. And you know what? It is. Rarely have I come across a game as inscrutable...
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Developer: Falcom    Publisher: Nintendo    Release: 09/89    Genre: Action RPG Despite public opinion of it becoming mixed over the last decade or so I still like Zelda II. The shift in viewpoint and gameplay turned away many and I will...
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Developer: BlueSky Software    Publisher: Sega    Release: 03/94   Genre: Action RPG Words cannot express how much I love the Shadowrun universe and cyberpunk in general.  I have never had the chance to play the pen & paper game but have...
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The Battle of Olympus

The Battle of Olympus

Developer: Infinity    Publisher: Broderbund    Release: 12/89    Genre: Action RPG Out of the entire NES library one of the games I spent the most time with was the Battle of Olympus. Not because it was difficult or exceptionally long but because...
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