Super Star Wars: the Empire Strikes Back

Super Star Wars: the Empire Strikes Back

Developer: Sculptured Software    Publisher: JVC    Released: 06/01/93    Genre: Action Super Star Wars was a sensation when it released. For the first time the Star Wars license was an excellent run and gun action platformer. It went on to big critical...
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Chiki Chiki Boys

Chiki Chiki Boys

Developer: Visco    Publisher: Sega    Release: 1993    Genre: Platformer I like Chiki Chiki Boys.  But once upon a time that wasn’t the case. I thought the name was incredibly stupid and the childish box art did it no favors....
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Brawl Brothers

Brawl Brothers

Developer: Jaleco    Publisher: Jaleco    Release: 1993   Genre: Beat em up In spite of how generic it was I still kind of liked Rival Turf. It was as blatant a Final Fight clone as possible but it still had charm....
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Disney’s Aladdin (SNES)

Disney’s Aladdin (SNES)

Developer: Capcom     Publisher: Capcom     Released: 1993     Genre: Platformer Disney’s Aladdin was one of the biggest movies of 1992. It is easy to see why; it boasted a star studded voice cast and exquisite animation, bringing to life that fa...
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Eliminate Down

Eliminate Down

Developer: Aprinet    Publisher: Soft Vision    Release: 06/25/93    Genre: Shooter The video game industry is littered with the bodies of failed developers and publishers. As generations change and game development becomes more complex it is only nat...
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Ardy Lightfoot

Ardy Lightfoot

Developer: ASCII     Publisher: Titus     Released: 02/94     Genre: Platformer It is funny to look back on the mascot craze of the 16-bit era. For some god forsaken reason every publisher felt they needed a mascot. The idea that a smart assed...
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Riot Zone

Riot Zone

Developer: Hudson Soft   Publisher: TTI   Release: 1993    Genre: Beat em up Next to shooters and platformers no other genre was as oversaturated in the 90s as the side-scrolling beat em up. Once Final Fight ignited the genre every...
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Rocket Knight Adventures

Rocket Knight Adventures

Developer: Konami    Publisher: Konami    Release: 08/05/93   Genre: Platformer When Konami first began publishing Genesis titles the initial batch was not that impressive. Sunset Riders was a compromised port and the Hyperstone Heist couldn’t decide ...
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DuckTales 2

DuckTales 2

Developer: Capcom    Publisher: Capcom    Release: 06/93   Genre: Platformer DuckTales is a legendary game and one of the greatest games of all time. At a time when licensed games were routinely horrible Capcom showed that if you handled it with...
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Developer: Western Technologies    Publisher: Sega    Release: 1993    Genre: Action The X-Men had a, how shall we say, “Rough start” when it comes to video games. Their NES outing is one of the worst games of all time. I have reviewed...
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