Developer: HAL Publisher: HAL Release: 12/26/90 Genre: Action The Ghostbusters license did not have a good go of it on the NES. The first game is one of the worst games of all time. I truly cannot state...
Developer: Gray Matter Publisher Razorsoft Release: 90 Genre: Action In the early days of the Sega Genesis third party support was scarce. You can thank Nintendo’s strong arm tactics for that. But because of that many PC developers saw an.....
Developer: Namco Publisher: NEC Release: 1990 Genre: Shooter Namco are no stranger to the shooting genre. With Xevious, Dragon Spirit, and others under their belt you might even say they are pioneers. And a good portion of their...
Developer: Dual Corporation Publisher: NEC Release: 1990 Genre: Shooter I don’t envy the developers of shooters back in the day. In the same way that platformers, first person shooters, and open world games have had their time...
Developer: Namco Publisher: NEC Release: 01/90 Genre: Action Pac-Man has led an interesting life as a video game character. Common sense would say Namco should have created a direct sequel with another set of mazes to follow up such a...
Developer: Square Publisher: Square Released: 1990 Genre: Racing It is funny to look back on video game releases during the 8-bit era. Without many publications or a centralized hub for information no one knew when specific games were r...
Developer: Imagineering Publisher: Activision Released: 1990 Genre: Action Words cannot express how terrible the original Ghostbusters for NES is. The movie was one of the films of the decade so naturally everyone wanted that in game form. In...
Developer: Taito Publisher: NEC Released: September 21, 1990 Genre: Shooter Darius is a stalwart of the shooter genre and has been since the mid-80s. At a time where Gradius was wowing gamers with its power-up system it made...
Developer: Aicom Publisher: Vik Tokai Released: 06/90 Genre: Action Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode was an ambitious game that tried to combine many different styles of gameplay to create an all-encompassing adventure worthy of the character. It a...