Psycho Chaser

Psycho Chaser

Developer: Sting    Publisher: Naxat Soft    Release: 04/06/90    Genre: Action The Turbo Grafx was a decent console in the US but had a fantastic library in Japan. Almost every console has hidden gems that were left in Japan but next to...
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Forgotten Worlds

Forgotten Worlds

Developer: Sega    Publisher: Sega    Release: 12/89    Genre: Shooter Even after all these decades the 80s action craze still finds ways to entertain. If you are a child of the 90s or later sadly you missed out. This...
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Ninja Spirit

Ninja Spirit

Developer: Irem   Publisher: NEC   Release: 10/90   Genre: Action As a fan of the Turbo Grafx I had to accept certain things. One, that I would probably be the only one that owned one in my neighborhood. And...
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Developer: Wolf Team   Publisher: Renovation   Release: 1990   Genre: Shooter I have never been much of a fan of tank based games. My dislike probably stems from playing Jackal in coop with a scrub and if you have ever been in...
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ESWAT: City Under Siege

ESWAT: City Under Siege

Developer: Sega    Publisher: Sega    Release: 10/90   Genre: Action I really liked ESWAT in the arcade but unfortunately never had the chance to play it much because of distance. So when news of a Sega Genesis version of the game...
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Valis II

Valis II

Developer: Laser Soft     Publisher: NEC     Released: 1990    Genre: Action Valis was not an especially good title. In fact you could even say it was only slightly above average. Early in the Sega Genesis’ life you could appreciate it but...
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Last Alert

Last Alert

Developer: Laser Soft    Publisher: NEC    Release: 11/30/90   Genre: Action The Turbo Grafx-16 had very little success when it came to side scrolling action games. While Genesis owners got to enjoy Gunstar Heroes and Contra Hard Corps they had…Bloody....
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Mega Man 3

Mega Man 3

Developer: Capcom    Publisher: Capcom    Released: 1990    Genre: Action, platformer I don’t envy the development team of Mega Man 3. The legendary second installment is a beloved classic around the world and any follow-up would be heavily scrutini...
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Developer: Jaleco    Publisher: Jaleco    Release: 03/90   Genre: Action I remember picking up the box for Astyanax in Woolworth wondering how to pronounce the title, let alone what it was. If that was the marketing department’s intent it definitely w...
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Developer: AlfaSystem    Publisher: NEC Avenue    Release: 06/22/90    Genre: Shooter I love surprises like this. Much like the Saturn to truly get the most out of the Turbo Grafx-16 you’ll have to explore its Japanese library. There are a wide rang...
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