Developer: AlfaSystem Publisher: NEC Release: 1990 Genre: Shooter I freely admit that I did not give Cyber Core a chance back in the day. The box art did it no favors but you can say that about almost all...
Developer: Laser Soft Publisher: Telenet Release: 12/07/90 Genre: Shooter Telenet were one of the most prolific developers of CD games in the late 80s/early 90s. While they aggressively supported the Sega Genesis and to an extent the...
Developer: Sega Publisher: NEC Avenue Release: 12/21/90 Genre: Racing Sega’s ports of their arcade hits on the PC Engine are a curious bunch. One would assume they would keep those games exclusive to bolster the lineup of their own...
Developer: SNK Publisher: SNK Release: 06/90 Genre: Rail Shooter Light gun games were few and far between on the NES. Even though the NES Zapper came packaged with the system support was minimal. This is surprising as there were...
Developer: Video System Co. Publisher: Video System Co. Release: 10/19/90 Genre: Shooter It has been interesting exploring the PC Engine shooter library. While the Star Soldier games received the lion’s share of attention its lineup is far mor...
Developer: Toaplan Publisher: Sega Release: 06/23/90 Genre: Shooter Toaplan were one of the most prolific and revered shooter developers of all time. Their catalog is long, storied, and influential. One need only look at the large number of d...
Developer: Compile Publisher: NEC Release: 10/90 Genre: Pinball Alien Crush alongside Pinball Quest made me a fan of video game pinball. By its nature a video game can never replicate the tactile feeling of pinball table. But they...
Developer: Pack-In-Video Publisher: Activision Release: 09/90 Genre: Shooter Thunderbirds was before my time so I have no attachment to it. Unlike Godzilla and old Kung Fu movies it never impressed me. I am sure for its time...
Developer: Manjyudo Publisher: Pack-In-Video Release: 03/23/90 Genre: Shooter I like shooters. I am going by the old school definition of the word, or what we call shmups today. From my early days with Gradius and R-Type to...
Developer: Rare Publisher: Milton Bradley Release: 12/90 Genre: Platformer In total Rare developed 60 games for the NES. That is incredibly prolific and their games spanned almost every genre, from sports to action to even game show adaptations....