

Developer: Tecmo     Publisher: Tecmo    Released: 07/87     Genre: Action I am sure like myself the NES version of Rygar was the first exposure to the series for many. Like Strider Rygar switched genres, becoming an expansive adventure rather than a straight...
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Developer: Nintendo R & D 1   Publisher: Nintendo    Release: 08/15/87    Genre: Platformer Metroid has always been a bit of an anomaly in Nintendo’s library.  Where I was used to bright and cheery worlds in Nintendo’s games Metroid stood in...
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Developer: Konami     Publisher: Konami     Released: 05/87     Genre: Action Castlevania was a game ahead of its time. When the NES launched in the US for the majority of that first year its main software came from Nintendo. As the third party...
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Developer: Falcom    Publisher: Nintendo    Release: 09/89    Genre: Action RPG Despite public opinion of it becoming mixed over the last decade or so I still like Zelda II. The shift in viewpoint and gameplay turned away many and I will...
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3-D World Runner

3-D World Runner

Developer: Square     Publisher: Square     Released: 1987     Genre: Action Growing up whenever it was time to buy a new game it was cause for celebration. That is a feeling any gamer can relate to unless you grew up rich, in which...
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Mega Man

Mega Man

Developer: Capcom    Publisher: Capcom    Released: 1987    Genre: Platformer If I had to create a personal Mount Rushmore of games that shaped my tastes it would consist of Super Mario Brothers, the Legend of Zelda, Metroid, and Mega Man. Each of...
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Mike Tyson’s Punchout!

Mike Tyson’s Punchout!

Developer: Nintendo R&D 3    Publisher: Nintendo    Release: 10/87   Genre: Sports Even though Mike Tyson’s Punchout! was one of the earliest Nintendo titles it remains one of its most significant. Not just because of its celebrity endorsement and...
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Dr. Chaos

Dr. Chaos

Developer: Marionette    Publisher: FCI    Release: 11/88    Genre: Action There are not many games I have hated within a few minutes of picking up the controller. Dr. Chaos is one of them. I will give it credit for being ambitious. For...
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