S (continued)
- Super Mario RPG
- Super Metroid
- Super Ninja Boy
- Super Ninja Kun
- Super Nova
- Super Off Road - The Baja
- Super Punch-Out!!
- Super R-Type
- Super Smash T.V.
- Super Star Wars
- Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
- Super Star Wars: the Empire Strikes Back
- Super Street Fighter II
- Super Tekkyu Fight!
- Super Turrican
- Super Turrican 2
- Super Valis IV
- Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV - Turtles in Time
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters
- Terranigma
- The Addams Family
- The Death and Return of Superman
- The Firemen
- The Great Battle II - Last Fighter Twin
- The Great Battle III
- The Great Battle IV
- The Great Battle V
- The Ignition Factor
- The Jetsons: Invasion of the Planet Pirates
- The Lion King
- The Ninja Warriors
- The Peace Keepers
- The Pirates of Dark Water
- Thunder Spirits
- Time Slip
- Time Trax
- Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose
- Todd McFarlane's Spawn
- Total Carnage
- Toys
- True Lies
- Tuff E Nuff
- U.N. Squadron
- Ultraman: Toward the Future
- Undercover Cops
- Ushio to Tora
- Violinist of Hamelin
- Whirlo
- Wild Guns