Developer: Laser Soft Publisher: Telenet Release: 08/23/91 Genre: Action I liked Super Valis IV in spite of its many problems. In my opinion it fell in line with the rest of the series as a solid yet...
Developer: Laser Soft Publisher: NEC Released: 03/92 Genre: Action Valis III would be the last in the series to come to the US for the Turbo CD which is a bit sad. But at the very least the series...
Developer: Laser Soft Publisher: NEC Released: 1990 Genre: Action Valis was not an especially good title. In fact you could even say it was only slightly above average. Early in the Sega Genesis’ life you could appreciate it but...
Developer: Telenet Publisher: Riot Release: 03/19/92 Genre: Action This is going to sound really strange but I love the Valis games despite the fact they are solid titles at best. The series has had its ups and downs...
Developer: Irem Publisher: NEC Release: 09/89 Genre: Shooter Of the many shooters that I have played over the decades I count three that shaped my tastes. Gradius was one of the first major shooters I ever played. There’s...
Developer: Laser Soft Publisher: NEC Release: 11/30/90 Genre: Action The Turbo Grafx-16 had very little success when it came to side scrolling action games. While Genesis owners got to enjoy Gunstar Heroes and Contra Hard Corps they had…Bloody....
Developer: Red Publisher: Hudson Released: 10/10/92 Genre: Shooter I distinctly remember thinking TTI and NEC could turn things around for the Turbo Grafx with the Turbo Duo. As an owner of the system for a brief period I genuinely...
Developer: Red/Atlus Publisher: NEC Release: 04/90 Genre: Platformer I think it is safe to say that the Turbo Grafx-16 did not make a great first impression in North America. While the NES had Super Mario Brothers and the...
Developer: AlfaSystem Publisher: NEC Avenue Release: 06/22/90 Genre: Shooter I love surprises like this. Much like the Saturn to truly get the most out of the Turbo Grafx-16 you’ll have to explore its Japanese library. There are a wide rang...
Developer: Renovation Publisher: Working Designs Release: 1992 Genre: Action Exile is one of the Turbo CD games I wanted to play the most. Why I became so obsessed with it is a bit of a mystery. But if I...