Exile: Wicked Phenomenon

Exile: Wicked Phenomenon

Developer: Telenet    Publisher: Working Designs    Released: 07/31/93     Genre: Action RPG I have always had a soft spot for Exile. I thought the protagonist Sadler looked so cool in all of the magazine previews and while I had to settle...
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Detana!! Twinbee

Detana!! Twinbee

Developer: Konami    Publisher: Konami    Release: 02/28/92   Genre: Shooter The fact that I like Detana!! Twinbee so much is one of the biggest surprises of my gaming life. I was not a fan of Stinger, the lone game in the...
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Chase H.Q.

Chase H.Q.

Developer: Taito    Publisher: Taito    Release: 01/26/90    Genre: Racing Sometimes the simplest ideas hit big. Chase H.Q. is basically Outrun gussied up with a cops and robbers theme. Except instead of pulling them over you instead ram into criminals...
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Legendary Axe

Legendary Axe

Developer: Victor Musical Industries   Publisher: NEC   Released: 09/89   Genre: Action Back in the day with new console launches the pack-in title was usually the flagship game. In most cases it would show off a new system’s technical prowess first an...
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Magical Chase

Magical Chase

Developer: Quest     Publisher: TTI     Released: 1993     Genre: Shooter At this point Magical Chase has become something of a legend within the video game industry. You simply cannot talk about it without mentioning the ridiculous prices it comman...
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Final Blaster

Final Blaster

Developer: Aisystem Tokyo   Publisher: Namco    Release: 09/28/90    Genre: Shooter Namco were one of the few third parties to support the Turbo Grafx-16 with a variety of software. Final Lap Twin and Dragon Spirit are two great games but I’m...
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Psycho Chaser

Psycho Chaser

Developer: Sting    Publisher: Naxat Soft    Release: 04/06/90    Genre: Action The Turbo Grafx was a decent console in the US but had a fantastic library in Japan. Almost every console has hidden gems that were left in Japan but next to...
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Ninja Spirit

Ninja Spirit

Developer: Irem   Publisher: NEC   Release: 10/90   Genre: Action As a fan of the Turbo Grafx I had to accept certain things. One, that I would probably be the only one that owned one in my neighborhood. And...
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Developer: Namco    Publisher: NEC    Release: 1990   Genre: Beat em up Ah the innocent gaming years of the 80s. While everyone was busy pumping out bright and cheery platformers Namco said screw that and took inspiration from the horror...
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Macross 2036

Macross 2036

Developer: Masaya      Publisher: NCS      Released: April 3, 1992      Genre: Shooter The world of video game imports was a strange place for me up until around 2001 or so.  I knew it was possible to buy Japanese video games and had...
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