Developer: AlfaSystem Publisher: NEC Release: 1990 Genre: Shooter I freely admit that I did not give Cyber Core a chance back in the day. The box art did it no favors but you can say that about almost all...
Developer: Taito Publisher: Working Designs Release: 10/91 Genre: Action Wow. This one surprised me. Parasol Stars is a game I have been aware of for a very long time but never did get around to. Considering my adoration of the...
Developer: Fun Project Publisher: Victor Interactive Release: 03/24/89 Genre: Action RPG Action RPGs were few and far between on the Turbo Grafx-16, both in the US and Japan. At least this applies to the Hucard format. Most of the best...
Developer: Laser Soft Publisher: Telenet Release: 12/07/90 Genre: Shooter Telenet were one of the most prolific developers of CD games in the late 80s/early 90s. While they aggressively supported the Sega Genesis and to an extent the...
Developer: Sega Publisher: NEC Avenue Release: 12/21/90 Genre: Racing Sega’s ports of their arcade hits on the PC Engine are a curious bunch. One would assume they would keep those games exclusive to bolster the lineup of their own...
Developer: Capcom Publisher: NEC Avenue Release: 12/15/89 Genre: Shooter Side Arms is the second Turbo Grafx-16 game I ever owned. After suffering with Keith Courage for two months it was a massive relief to finally play something...
Developer: Video System Co. Publisher: Video System Co. Release: 10/19/90 Genre: Shooter It has been interesting exploring the PC Engine shooter library. While the Star Soldier games received the lion’s share of attention its lineup is far mor...
Developer: Games Express Publisher: GNN Release: 07/13/92 Genre: RPG Back in the day unlicensed video games were rarely seen or heard. Usually hailing from China or Korea they were most often terrible in every respect and the...
Developer: Compile Publisher: NEC Release: 10/90 Genre: Pinball Alien Crush alongside Pinball Quest made me a fan of video game pinball. By its nature a video game can never replicate the tactile feeling of pinball table. But they...
Developer: Manjyudo Publisher: Pack-In-Video Release: 03/23/90 Genre: Shooter I like shooters. I am going by the old school definition of the word, or what we call shmups today. From my early days with Gradius and R-Type to...