Developer: System Vision Publisher: Kaneko Release: 01/93 Genre: Action Ah yes, Power Moves. If you grew up in the 90’s chances are you saw the striking ad of a man getting punched and his face exploding in...
Developer: Capcom Publisher: Capcom Release: 08/01/93 Genre: Action The announcement of Street Fighter 2: Champion Edition for the Sega Genesis was a big blow to SNES owners in 1993. While Super Nintendo owners had enjoyed the original exclusive...
Developer: Arcade Zone Publisher: Poppo Release: 02/10/95 Genre: Beat em up I have mentioned that the beat em up genre was over saturated in the early 90s. Trust me it is true. But despite the glut of...
Developer: Vivid Image Publisher: Ubi Soft Release: 94 Genre: Racing Super Mario Kart was the bestselling racing game of its generation. At just under 9 million copies sold it was also one of the bestselling SNES games of all time....
Developer: Realtime Associates Publisher: Mindscape Release: 1993 Genre: Beat em up Let’s be completely honest for a moment: Captain America & the Avengers was an average at best arcade game. For its time it was one of...
Developer: Nintendo EAD Publisher: Nintendo Release: 10/10/94 Genre: Racing When Star Fox released it made a big splash. 3d was still relatively new on consoles and it was a good shooter in spite of its technical faults. Stunt Race FX...
Developer: Amble Publisher: Bandai Release: 06/28/96 Genre: Action RPG Anime licensed games in Japan back in the 16-bit era were usually fighting games or generic platformers. When you need to get a game out as quickly as...
Developer: Iguana Publisher: Sunsoft Release: 10/12/93 Genre: Platformer Sunsoft were a powerhouse on the NES and one of its best developers. They made that hardware sing like few others and are one of the reasons why the NES...
Developer: Jaleco Publisher: Jaleco Release: 08/05/94 Genre: Platformer Jaleco was always a mid-sized publisher who never quite reached the level of Capcom or Konami. They published a wide variety of titles but their most well known in the...
Developer: HAL Publisher: HAL Release: 05/92 Genre: RPG While I am a fan of nearly every form of RPG first person dungeon crawlers were my kryptonite. Maybe it was the disconnect from not seeing my party during my numerous...