Cotton 2

Cotton 2

Developer: Success     Publisher: Success     Released: 12/04/97    Genre Shooter Ah, Cotton, I admire your dedication to destroying my wallet. Cotton, alongside Parodius and Twinbee, is one of the best series of shooters that no one knows in the West. For...
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Shinobi Legions

Shinobi Legions

Developer: Sega     Publisher: Vik Tokai     Released: 1995     Genre: Action Shinobi III is one of the greatest action games of the 16-bit era. Sega practically mastered the genre with that game and even to this day I still revisit it often....
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Linkle Liver Story

Linkle Liver Story

Developer: Nextech    Publisher: Sega    Released: 03/1596    Genre: Action RPG This one is embarrassing for me. I bought Linkle Liver Story back in 2000 as it looked like an interesting title. But after ogling it in Gamefan I have barely put...
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Die Hard Arcade

Die Hard Arcade

Developer: Sega AM1     Publisher: Sega     Released: March 1997     Genre: Action The advent of 3d brought many innovations to existing genres. Some like the 2d platformer even evolved, one could even say for the better. But in the march of progre...
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Clockwork Knight 2

Clockwork Knight 2

Developer: Sega    Publisher: Sega    Released: 02/17/96    Genre: Platformer Clockwork Knight was a charming game that had an interesting premise that was let down by its rudimentary gameplay. But at the very least it did give new Saturn owners anothe...
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Dragon Force

Dragon Force

Developer: Sega     Publisher: Working Designs     Released: 11/30/96     Genre: Strategy Strategy games have always been my blind spot. Be it real time strategy or simulation, for the longest time I could not get into the genre. Maybe it stems fro...
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Legend of Oasis

Legend of Oasis

Developer: Ancient     Publisher: Sega     Released: 1996     Genre: Action RPG Beyond Oasis was an unexpected surprise at the end of the Genesis’ life. Action Rpgs were rare on the system so to receive an excellent one so late in its lifespan...
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Burning Rangers

Burning Rangers

Developer: Sonic Team    Publisher: Sega    Release: 05/28/98   Genre: Action The last days of a console are usually filled with technically impressive games that no one thought possible on the hardware. From Donkey Kong Country to the Last of Us,...
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 Developer: Sega    Publisher: Sega    Release: 09/27/95   Genre: Platformer Heading into the 32-bit generation the future looked bright. The 2d platformer was near perfect, with some of the best games of all time released at the tail end of the...
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Panzer Dragoon Zwei

Panzer Dragoon Zwei

Developer: Team Andromeda     Publisher: Sega     Released: 04/17/96     Genre: Rail Shooter The early launch of the Saturn was devastating not just for retailers but also for gamers. Fans were left with few options as most games were not ready unt...
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