Bulk Slash

Bulk Slash

Developer: CAProduction   Publisher: Hudson Soft   Release: 07/11/97   Genre: Action Because of its early demise the Saturn never truly had a chance to show gamers what it could really do in the West. Most of the 3d titles gamers...
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Bubble Symphony

Bubble Symphony

Developer: Taito    Publisher: Taito    Publisher: 11/27/97   Genre: Platformer Watching arcades disappear around the mid-90s was a sad sight. Not only because it was a place to meet fellow gamers before the internet became big but also because there we...
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Golden Axe: the Duel

Golden Axe: the Duel

Developer: Sega AM1   Publisher: Sega    Release: 06/27/96   Genre: Fighting Once the Saturn was released the expectation was that we would receive 32-bit updates to all of Sega’s intellectual properties. Streets of Rage, Vectorman……Sonic. Oh how na...
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G Vector

G Vector

Developer: Soft Office   Publisher: Soft Office   Release: 10/16/97   Genre: Shooter For many Virtua Fighter was the star of the Sega Saturn launch. It is easy to see why; it was the first major fighting game in 3d...
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Tryrush Deppy

Tryrush Deppy

Developer: System Supply N-Tech    Publisher: Nihon Create    Release: 11/22/96   Genre: Platformer The Saturn was built to be a 2d powerhouse. But sadly it released at a time when the industry was moving to 3d. That meant we...
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Sega Rally

Sega Rally

Developer: AM3    Publisher: Sega    Release: 11/15/95   Genre: Racing The Saturn port of Daytona USA disappointed many. While it captured the gameplay no one can deny that the graphics left a lot to be desired. Meanwhile PlayStation owners received a.....
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Kingdom Grandprix

Kingdom Grandprix

Developer: Raizing    Publisher: Gaga    Release: 06/14/96    Genre: Shooter I’ve never been one to heavily import games. Obviously during the 16-bit era it was too expensive to even try but the language barrier was also a factor. But the advent of....
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Shining Wisdom

Shining Wisdom

Developer: Sonic Software Planning   Publisher: Working Designs   Release: 06/27/96   Genre: Action RPG Sega continually knocks it out of the park with the Shining Force tactical Rpgs. However every time they stray from that genre we end up with mixed re...
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Darius Gaiden

Darius Gaiden

Developer: Taito    Publisher: Acclaim    Release: 01/29/96    Genre: Shooter I like the Darius series. Whether it is the weird alien fish angle or its sedate pace it scratches a different itch in my shooter brain. However it has always been secondary...
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House of the Dead

House of the Dead

Developer: Tantalus    Publisher: Sega    Release: 03/31/98    Genre: Action Sega built up a stellar track record of great Saturn ports of their arcade games. Considering the Saturn’s messy hardware that they were able to near perfectly replicate gam...
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