Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows

Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows

Developer: Midway    Publisher: Midway    Release: 12/12/05   Genre: Action    Also on: Xbox Gauntlet Legends was an incredible arcade game and reminded gamers why the series was so great. As much as I played it in the arcade I poured an...
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Metal Slug 4

Metal Slug 4

Developer: Mega Enterprise    Publisher: Ignition Entertainment    Release: 10/28/05    Genre: Action Metal Slug 3 is one of the greatest 2d action games of all time and set a high bar. So how do you follow it up? Simple, you don’t, at...
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Jet Ion GP

Jet Ion GP

Developer: Gust    Publisher: Ubi Soft    Release: 03/22/02    Genre: Racing When you think of futuristic racing games Wipeout is synonymous with PlayStation. While there were many contenders for the throne on Sony platforms none would ever come close...
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Goldeneye: Rogue Agent

Goldeneye: Rogue Agent

Developer: Electronic Arts    Publisher: Electronic Arts    Release: 11/22/04   Genre: FPS To this day Goldeneye is still one of the most fondly remembered first person shooters of all time. For many of us it was our introduction to the first...
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Shadow of the Colossus

Shadow of the Colossus

Developer: Team Ico    Publisher: Sony    Release: 10/18/05   Genre: Action-Adventure This is a tough review to write. Not because Shadow of the Colossus is bad, far from it. The game is a phenomenal achievement and you should play it as...
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Developer: High Moon Studios    Publisher: Capcom    Release:    Genre: FPS When Halo hit the market it hit big. It took the ball that Goldeneye established and ran with it and is probably the most important first person shooter released in the...
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The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

Developer: Electronic Arts    Publisher: Electronic Arts    Release: 11/06/23   Genre: Action The Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers was a huge surprise in 2002. Licensed games are nothing new but few had the production values and scale...
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Klonoa 2 –  Lunatea’s Veil

Klonoa 2 – Lunatea’s Veil

, Developer: Namco    Publisher: Namco    Release: 07/25/01   Genre: Platformer Klonoa was a breath of fresh air for platformers during the 32-bit era. While many developers were going full 3d like Mario 64 Klonoa was a throwback to the 16-bit...
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Vampire Night

Vampire Night

Developer: Wow Entertainment   Publisher: Namco   Release: 11/13/01  Genre: Action In the mid to late 90s Sega and Namco went back and forth creating arcade hits to compete with each other. When Sega made Virtua Fighter Tekken was not far...
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Spider-Man: the Movie

Spider-Man: the Movie

Developer: Treyarch    Publisher: Activision    Release: 04/16/02   Genre: Action                                   Platforms: PS2, Gamecube, Xbox, PC For the longest time Activision was a shining example of how to hand...
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