Developer: KID Publisher: Taxan Release: 09/90 Genre: Action We live in an era where we can find footage of new video games at the touch of a button. Not only that many games have betas open to nearly everyone....
Developer: Hect Publisher: Hect Released: 08/28/92 Genre: Platformer It is hard to believe that a strong title like Moon Crystal never left Japan. An obscure US publisher named DTMC were set to bring it to the US. I guess...
Developer: Tamtex Publisher: Irem Released: 1991 Genre: Action Today when a new game is announced there are innumerable websites that report it, with screenshots and trailers. But back in the day we were not so lucky. Outside of seeing TV.....
Developer: Technos Publisher: Acclaim Release: 01/91 Genre: Beat em up In spite of their flaws I genuinely like the Double Dragon games. I am sure like most it was my introduction to the beat em up genre and would...
Developer: Sculptured Software Publisher: JVC Release: 1992 Genre: Action Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back was released at an interesting time. By 1992 16-bit really took off and NES releases were drying up. Super Star Wars was the g...
Developer: Escape Publisher: LJN Release: 12/87 Genre: Action It’s hard to remember now but Jaws was a theatrical phenomenon along the lines of Star Wars and Indiana Jones. The movie preyed on everyone’s fear of the ocean’s depths...
Developer: Konami Publisher: Konami Release: 08/27/91 Genre: Shooter The end of a given console’s life is usually the most interesting in terms of releases. With years of experience behind them developers tend to craft truly amazing games n...
Developer: Nintendo R&D1 Publisher: Nintendo Release: 07/87 Genre: Platformer It really is amazing just how forgotten Kid Icarus has been. Aside from its little known Gameboy sequel it took over twenty years for the series to receive a...
Developer: Data East Publisher: Data East Release: 07/90 Genre: Beat em up Part of what I enjoy the most about writing this blog is revisiting games that I remember fondly. For the most part the games that were great...
Developer: Natsume Publisher: Jaleco Released: 1991 Genre: Action One of the biggest regrets from my childhood is that I moved on from the NES earlier than I should have. With Genesis hitting its stride and the SNES on the market...