

Developer: Micronics    Publisher:American Sammy    Release: 08/89    Genre: Shooter I like shooters. Be it fantasy shooters, space shooters, or even the weird supernatural ones like Castle of Shikigami. I will even dabble with the occasional bullet hell game although I am...
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Mechanized Attack

Mechanized Attack

Developer: SNK    Publisher: SNK    Release: 06/90   Genre: Rail Shooter Light gun games were few and far between on the NES. Even though the NES Zapper came packaged with the system support was minimal. This is surprising as there were...
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Developer: Nintendo    Publisher: Nintendo    Release: 11/89    Genre: Puzzle Tetris is in the pantheon alongside titles like Super Mario Brothers and the Legend of Zelda as perfect. Everyone has played Tetris in one form or another. While newer versio...
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Times of Lore

Times of Lore

Developer: Origin    Publisher: Toho    Release: 05/91    Genre: Action RPG Computer RPGs did not fare well on the NES. Much like with adventure games the interface and their general design did not jive well with a controller with few buttons. The...
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Bomberman II

Bomberman II

Developer: Hudson Soft    Publisher: Hudson Soft    Release: 02/93    Genre: Action I was not a fan of the first Bomberman. It was novel at the time and pretty cool but was plodding and repetitive and not able to hold my...
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Fantasy Zone II

Fantasy Zone II

Developer: Sunsoft    Publisher: Sunsoft    Release: 12/20/88   Genre: Shooter My history with Fantasy Zone is a bit odd. My first experience with the game was the unlicensed Tengen version for the NES. This was before I learned it was an...
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Tiny Toon Adventures 2: Trouble in Wackyland

Tiny Toon Adventures 2: Trouble in Wackyland

Developer: Konami    Publisher: Konami    Release: 04/93   Genre: Platformer Konami were one of the few publishers to support the NES at the end of its life. Their later output focused on licensed titles as they reserved their core intellectual properti...
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Developer: Pack-In-Video   Publisher: Activision   Release: 09/90    Genre: Shooter Thunderbirds was before my time so I have no attachment to it. Unlike Godzilla and old Kung Fu movies it never impressed me. I am sure for its time...
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Tournament Fighters (NES)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Tournament Fighters (NES)

Developer: Konami    Publisher: Konami    Release: 02/94   Genre: Fighting When the fighting game renaissance hit home consoles it hit big. There were fighting games before Street Fighter II but they were not very good. Capcom’s title opened the flood...
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Alien 3

Alien 3

Developer: Probe    Publisher: LJN    Release: 03/93   Genre: Action-Adventure Alien 3 was an incredibly disappointing movie that failed to uphold the sterling reputation of its predecessors. The numerous production issues certainly contributed to its lac...
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