Developer: Takeru Publisher: Sur de Wave Release: 05/03/91 Genre: Action Cocoron is the type of game I would have appreciated later in the NES’ life. By the end of its run the NES library was overrun by licensed...
Developer: Vik Tokai Publisher: Vik Tokai Release: 07/30/87 Genre: Action RPG Zelda II was a departure from the gameplay that the original established. However in spite of its differences I loved that game, warts and all. I was always curious...
Developer: Kotobuki System Co. Publisher: Kemco Release: 12/88 Genre: Action I have been a comic book fan my entire life. With that in mind any video game based on a comic book would get my attention. Unfortunately my...
Developer: Capcom Publisher: Capcom Release: 10/88 Genre: Shooter Capcom and their early NES games had a bad reputation. While most of us have fond memories of games like Ghosts ‘n Goblins and Commando they were riddled with severe performan...
Developer: Konami Publisher: Konami Release: 12/4/87 Genre: Action RPG Konami could do no wrong in the 80s. At least that was my prevailing thought as they released hit after hit in almost every genre. One genre they shied away...
Developer: Konami Publisher: Konami Released: 01/14/88 Genre: Action Captain N might have been a cheesy cartoon and not very good (I still love it) but it did show cool a crossover between video game characters could be. While Capcom...
Developer: Square Publisher: Square Released: 1990 Genre: Racing It is funny to look back on video game releases during the 8-bit era. Without many publications or a centralized hub for information no one knew when specific games were r...
Developer: Imagineering Publisher: Activision Released: 1990 Genre: Action Words cannot express how terrible the original Ghostbusters for NES is. The movie was one of the films of the decade so naturally everyone wanted that in game form. In...
Developer: Cyclone System Publisher: Asmik Released: 11/91 Genre: Action Wurm: Journey to the Center of the Earth is quite possibly one of the strangest titles in the NES library. It is hard to even describe it. The...
Developer: Hudson Soft Publisher: Hudson Soft Released: 09/88 Genre: Platformer The things we put up with for entertainment. Once upon a time Milon’s Secret Castle was one of a few NES games that I owned. Having finished all my other...