Devilish: the Next Possession

Devilish: the Next Possession

Developer: Opera House    Publisher: Sage’s Creation     Released: 1992    Genre: Action As someone who has been gaming for well over thirty years nostalgia plays a big factor in my gaming tastes. While I was there for the Atari 2600...
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Contra: Hard Corps

Contra: Hard Corps

Developer: Konami    Publisher: Konami    Release: 08/08/94  Genre: Action Contra Hard Corps is the epitome of the Contra series in many ways and one could argue the best title in the series. If you were speaking of the Japanese version I...
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Elemental Master

Elemental Master

Developer: Technosoft    Publisher: Renovation    Released: 1993    Genre: Shooter Anyone who is a fan of shooters knows about the Thunder Force series. Developer Technosoft proved that they were a master at the genre with those titles but they were j...
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Forgotten Worlds

Forgotten Worlds

Developer: Sega    Publisher: Sega    Release: 12/89    Genre: Shooter Even after all these decades the 80s action craze still finds ways to entertain. If you are a child of the 90s or later sadly you missed out. This...
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Super Smash T.V.

Super Smash T.V.

Developer: Probe    Publisher: Flying Edge    Release: 1991    Genre: Action Smash T.V. was an arcade sensation and it is easy to see why. The Running Man was a great albeit cheesy 80s movie and its premise of sending convicted criminals into...
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Golden Axe

Golden Axe

Developer: Team Shinobi    Publisher: Sega    Release: 12/89    Genre: Beat em up The Sega Genesis and Turbo Grafx-16 launches were pretty significant events in the gaming industry. For the first time we were experiencing a hardware transition and all ...
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Streets of Rage

Streets of Rage

Developer: Ancient    Publisher: Sega    Release: 1991   Genre: Beat em up With Final Fight setting the arcade on fire naturally most were anxious for a home port. Unfortunately for Sega owners the SNES would receive the exclusive for a number...
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Developer: Wolf Team   Publisher: Renovation   Release: 1990   Genre: Shooter I have never been much of a fan of tank based games. My dislike probably stems from playing Jackal in coop with a scrub and if you have ever been in...
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ESWAT: City Under Siege

ESWAT: City Under Siege

Developer: Sega    Publisher: Sega    Release: 10/90   Genre: Action I really liked ESWAT in the arcade but unfortunately never had the chance to play it much because of distance. So when news of a Sega Genesis version of the game...
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Valis III (Genesis)

Valis III (Genesis)

Developer: Telenet    Publisher: Renovation    Release: 06/91    Genre: Action For the brave gamers who decided to take a chance with Valis the first few games were a lesson in mediocrity. I will not deny that there is a certain charm to...
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