Bonanza Bros.

Bonanza Bros.

Developer: ITL Co.   Publisher: Sega    Release: 10/91    Genre: Action Of all of Sega’s arcade titles Bonanza Bros. is one of the few I am the least familiar with. I never saw it in the arcade and heard nothing about...
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X-Men 2: the Clone Wars

X-Men 2: the Clone Wars

I wanted to really like Sega’s X-Men but it had far too many flaws.  Between the limited roster, spotty hit detection, restrictive mutant power system, and ridiculous difficulty that game had problems.  But I’ll be god damned if the production...
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Chase H.Q. II

Chase H.Q. II

Developer: Taito    Publisher: Taito    Release: 06/01/92   Genre: Racing This one is interesting. Chase H.Q. definitely has its roots firmly planted in the Outrun camp. That being said it managed to add its own interesting little twist to that format.....
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Bio-Hazard Battle

Bio-Hazard Battle

Developer: Sega    Publisher: Sega    Release: 12/92    Genre: Shooter When you tally it up it really is incredible just how many shooters there are for the Genesis. If you count the few import only shooters there are close to 80 altogether...
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Super Thunder Blade

Super Thunder Blade

Developer: Sega    Publisher: Sega    Release: 08/14/89   Genre: Action I have a confession to make: I’m not a big fan of games with helicopters. It is a very petty mindset, but I can’t help it. Maybe it is...
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Great Circus Mystery starring Mickey & Minnie

Great Circus Mystery starring Mickey & Minnie

Developer: Capcom    Publisher: Capcom    Release: 10/94   Genre: Platformer Capcom did justice to the Disney license with their various NES titles. Some of those titles are among the greatest video games of all time. So it stands to reason that...
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Developer: Wolf Team    Publisher: Renovation   Release: 1992    Genre: Shooter Sol-Deace is an odd little title. Originally it was a pack-in title with the Sega CD, giving that system a nice little boost. As a shooter it was solid; outside...
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Rocket Knight Adventures

Rocket Knight Adventures

Developer: Konami    Publisher: Konami    Release: 08/05/93   Genre: Platformer When Konami first began publishing Genesis titles the initial batch was not that impressive. Sunset Riders was a compromised port and the Hyperstone Heist couldn’t decide ...
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Bio-Ship Paladin

Bio-Ship Paladin

Developer: UPL    Publisher: UPL    Release: 09/30/91    Genre: Shooter Here in America we received the vast majority of the Sega Genesis’ shooter library but there were some curious omissions that were very interesting from a gameplay perspective. ...
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Developer: Western Technologies    Publisher: Sega    Release: 1993    Genre: Action The X-Men had a, how shall we say, “Rough start” when it comes to video games. Their NES outing is one of the worst games of all time. I have reviewed...
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