Thunder Force III

Thunder Force III

Developer: Technosoft     Publisher: Technosoft     Released: 1990     Genre: Shooter The Sega Genesis had a small but varied launch lineup. While everyone was fawning over Altered Beast Thunder Force II was the star of the lineup in my opinion. It...
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The Terminator

The Terminator

Developer: Probe Software    Publisher: Virgin Interactive    Released: 1992    Genre: Action You would think the Terminator license would be host to a legion of kick ass run and gun video games. Yet somehow even though multiple developers tried their...
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James Buster Douglas Knockout Boxing

James Buster Douglas Knockout Boxing

Developer: Taito    Publisher: Sega    Released: 1990     Genre: Sports Ah Sega, you crude bastards. It is no small exaggeration to say that Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out is still the most popular boxing game of all time. Nintendo absolutely nailed the ga...
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Predator 2

Predator 2

Developer: Perfect 10 Productions    Publisher: Arena    Released: 1992    Genre: Action Predator was the action movie experience of my childhood. I will freely admit that I was entirely too young to be watching it in the theaters. But that...
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Rolling Thunder 3

Rolling Thunder 3

Developer: Namco     Publisher: Namco     Released: 1993     Genre: Action Namco took an early liking to the Sega Genesis, porting over many of its arcade titles and giving the system a boost early on. As well as their arcade ports they released...
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Developer: Taito    Publisher: Taito    Released: 1991    Genre: Shooter Darius never particularly wowed me, even with its impressive triple screen playing field. That is not to say I thought it was bad; it simply did not stand out during the peak...
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Earnest Evans

Earnest Evans

Developer: Wolf Team     Publisher: Renovation     Released: 1992     Genre: Action Earnest Evans is a bad game that you should avoid at all costs. Yet even though I acknowledge this is not a good game, why does it make me...
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Burning Force

Burning Force

Developer: Nova    Publisher: Namco    Released: 11/90    Genre: Rail Shooter Space Harrier made a big splash in the arcade with its fancy scaling graphics and riveting gameplay. Yet it did not spawn as many imitators as you would expect,...
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Double Dragon

Double Dragon

Developer: Technos Japan     Publisher: Ballistic     Released: 1992     Genre: Beat ’em up Double Dragon, Double Dragon, Double Dragon. It is amazing just how widely ported Technos’ legendary beat em up is. And surprisingly I have played a...
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Midnight Resistance

Midnight Resistance

Developer: Data East     Publisher: Sega     Released: 1991     Genre: Action The Genesis would eventually gain the reputation of being the system for fast paced action games, from Gunstar Heroes to Lightening Force. But early in its life the picki...
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