Wipeout XL

Wipeout XL

Developer: Psygnosis     Publisher: Psygnosis     Released: 09/30/96     Genre: Racing The early PlayStation lineup was not very good in retrospect. But one of the bright stars of the Sony’s console debut was Wipeout. With its fantastic graphic design and look it...
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Linkle Liver Story

Linkle Liver Story

Developer: Nextech    Publisher: Sega    Released: 03/1596    Genre: Action RPG This one is embarrassing for me. I bought Linkle Liver Story back in 2000 as it looked like an interesting title. But after ogling it in Gamefan I have barely put...
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Developer: Infogrames     Publisher: Kemco/Seika     Released: 1991     Genre: RPG It was an unwritten law that RPGs were usually the last genre to release for a new platform. By their very nature role playing games take longer to develop and...
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Developer: Gau Entertainment     Publisher: Sega     Released: 1993     Genre: Action The Sega Genesis has one of the best gaming libraries of all time. But it did not come easily. While Sega did excellent in the US and were able to garner...
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Super Star Soldier

Super Star Soldier

Developer: Inter State Co.    Publisher: NEC    Released: 1991    Genre: Shooter I was not a fan of the original Star Soldier. I will admit that it was probably due to timing; I played it years after its initial release. But even...
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The Lion King

The Lion King

Developer: Westwood Studios    Publisher Virgin Interactive    Released: 1994    Genre: Platformer For as much as we praise Capcom and Sega for their handling of the Disney license Virgin deserves to be in the conversation as well. During the 16-bit e...
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Road Avenger

Road Avenger

Developer: Data East     Publisher: Renovation     Released: 1992     Genre: Action Laserdisc arcade games were always fascinating to watch. The gorgeous animation and sheer spectacle on display were unlike anything else at the time and seemed a gen...
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Power Blazer

Power Blazer

Developer: Taito     Publisher: Taito     Released: April 20, 1990     Genre: Action In the 8 and 16-bit days it was not uncommon for the Japanese version of many titles to be better than its international counterpart. There were many reasons why g...
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Neugier – Umi to Kaze no Kōdō

Neugier – Umi to Kaze no Kōdō

Developer: Wolf Team    Publisher: Telenet Japan    Released: 03/26/93    Genre: Action RPG RPGs were not abundant for most of the 90s and especially during the 16-bit generation. The SNES bucked that trend somewhat and amassed a respectable library...
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Championship Pro Am

Championship Pro Am

Developer: Rare     Publisher: Tradewest     Released: 1992     Genre: Racing It’s interesting to look back and examine Rare’s 16-bit efforts. Their work during the latter years of the SNES is now legendary but you would never have expected tha...
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