Battle Blaze

Battle Blaze

Developer: Aicom     Publisher: American Sammy     Released: 1993     Genre: Fighting Street Fighter 2 was the equivalent of a nuclear bomb on the arcade industry. Like Pac-Man and Space Invaders before it Street Fighter 2 spawned a legion of imitators,...
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Batman: Return of the Joker

Batman: Return of the Joker

Developer: Ringler Studios    Publisher: Sunsoft    Released: 1992    Genre: Action Of all the publishers that survived into the 16-bit generation my biggest disappointment has to be Sunsoft. On the NES Sunsoft were one of the system’s best develope...
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Operation Wolf

Operation Wolf

Developer: Taito     Publisher:Taito     Released: 1989     Genre: Action I’ve never been the biggest fan of light gun games. I was not enamored with Duck Hunt when the NES launched and outside of Gum Shoe found the NES Zapper useless.  I respec...
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