Disney Adventures in the Magic Kingdom

Disney Adventures in the Magic Kingdom

Developer: Capcom    Publisher: Capcom    Released: 1990    Genre: Platformer Disney Adventures in the Magic Kingdom is an unusual release. As essentially an advertisement for the Disney World theme parks it should be awful. Who wants to play a video game...
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X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse

X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse

Developer: Capcom     Publisher: Capcom     Released: 1994     Genre: Beat em up The X-Men license did not get off to a good start on the SNES. Spider-Man & the X-Men in Arcade’s Revenge was not a good game in spite of its...
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Atomic Robo-Kid

Atomic Robo-Kid

Developer: UPL Co., Ltd.    Publisher: Treco    Released: 1990    Genre: Shooter I enjoy a good shooter. Since the Atari 2600 days the genre has been one of my favorites. Up until bullet hell took over I still enjoyed...
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The Karate Kid

The Karate Kid

Developer: Atlus    Publisher: LJN    Released: 1987    Genre: Action The Karate Kid was a humongous hit in the 80s. For many of us youngins at the time it was our first exposure to karate and we thought it was the coolest...
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Space Harrier

Space Harrier

Developer: NEC     Publisher: NEC     Released: 1990    Genre: Action Space Harrier was insanely popular in the arcade in the 80s. It is easy to see why, with its fancy Super Scaler tech and art direction. While it was...
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Air Buster

Air Buster

Developer: Kaneko    Publisher: Kaneko    Released: 1991    Genre: Shooter Aero Blasters is one of my favorite Turbo Grafx-16 games. At a time where I had few games for the system it was a bright spot. It would be...
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Blades of Steel

Blades of Steel

Developer: Konami     Publisher: Konami     Released: 1988     Genre: Sports Believe it or not Blades of Steel was my introduction to Hockey. Growing up Hockey was not really shown on local television like the NFL or NBA so it always seemed...
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Sonic Blast Man

Sonic Blast Man

Developer: ITL Co, Ltd     Publisher: Taito     Released: 1992    Genre: Beat ’em up I have lamented the death of the arcade in the US on many an occasion in this blog. While I miss the titles that really pushed technology...
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Dragon Spirit

Dragon Spirit

Developer: Namco    Publisher NEC    Released: 11/89    Genre: Shooter Dragon’s Spirit is one of the earliest arcade games I ever played which is partly why I’m so fond of it. The game is also good to boot so it isn’t a...
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Developer: Konami    Publisher: Ultra Games    Release: 02/89    Genre: Shooter Gyruss was a favorite of mine in the arcade back in the 80s. After playing the likes of Gradius and Space Invaders it was a nice change of pace in...
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