Tiger Heli

Tiger Heli

Developer: Micronics     Publisher: Acclaim     Released: 1987     Genre: Shooter One day I will learn why so many NES publishers turned to Micronics to develop Nintendo ports of their arcade games. You would think after seeing the sorry state of their various...
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Ultraman: Toward the Future

Ultraman: Toward the Future

Developer: BEC, Inc    Publisher: Bandai    Released: 10/91    Genre: FIghting Ultraman: Toward the Future was the first game in the series to reach the US. That should have been cause for celebration for those of us that grew up on badly...
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Double Dragon

Double Dragon

Developer: Technos Japan     Publisher: Ballistic     Released: 1992     Genre: Beat ’em up Double Dragon, Double Dragon, Double Dragon. It is amazing just how widely ported Technos’ legendary beat em up is. And surprisingly I have played a...
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