First Samurai

First Samurai

Developer: Vivid Image     Publisher: Kemco     Released: 1993     Genre: Action, Platformer In my video gaming history the Amiga is a very large blind spot. I was neither from the UK or rich enough to own one so my only exposure to...
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Developer: Visco    Publisher: Mentrix Software    Released: 1991    Genre: Platformer Ghosts ‘n Goblins was a massive hit in the arcade. At a time when companies were not afraid to copy any successful product surprisingly few games were made in that...
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Werewolf – the Last Warrior

Werewolf – the Last Warrior

Developer: Data East     Publisher: Data East     Release: 11/16/90     Genre: Platformer As I revisit the NES library my feelings toward a lot of titles have changed over the years. There are games like Contra and Mega Man that remain timeless. Th...
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Spanky’s Quest

Spanky’s Quest

Developer: Natsume    Publisher: Natsume    Released: 1992    Genre: Action Spanky’s Quest is a game that I dismissed for years based on its silly name. In my defense I was a stupid teenager so you can imagine what my sense of humor...
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Batman Returns (Genesis)

Batman Returns (Genesis)

Developer: Malibu Interactive    Publisher: Sega    Released: 1992    Genre: Action Batman 1989 was a phenomenon the likes of which you can’t imagine. To this day few movies can match its marketing blitz. With its success anticipation for Batman Ret...
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Adventures of Dino Riki

Adventures of Dino Riki

Developer: Hudson Soft     Publisher: Hudson Soft     Released: 1989     Genre: Shooter The Adventures of Dino Riki is a game that I am completely apathetic toward. I do not dislike it like I do the old Wonder Boy games. But I also...
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U.N. Squadron

U.N. Squadron

Developer: Capcom     Publisher: Capcom     Released: 1991     Genre: Shooter With the advent of 16-bit consoles came a slew of arcade ports that were all but impossible on older hardware.  Although I frequented the arcade on a regular basis it wa...
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Mystical Fighter

Mystical Fighter

Developer: KID     Publisher: Dreamworks     Released: 1992     Genre: Beat em up Everyone has games that they meant to play but never got around to. Whether it was money, family, or other responsibilities at the end of the day time is still...
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Developer: Rare     Publisher: Milton Bradley    Released: 1990     Genre: Shooter The video game industry’s long love affair with military games will never cease to amaze. We are coming up on sixteen straight years of Call of Duty titles and the ...
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X-Kalibur 2097

X-Kalibur 2097

Developer: Fupac     Publisher: Activision     Released: 02/94     Genre: Action In the early 90s Activision made a strange push for games that featured techno soundtracks by popular bands. With the advent of the 16-bit systems it was possible to m...
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