Titan Warriors

Titan Warriors

Developer: Capcom     Publisher: Capcom     Released: Cancelled     Genre: Shooter As much I liked Capcom’s NES output I have to admit their shooter lineup for the system was weak. Legendary Wings was the only game I had for a long time and...
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An American Tail: Fievel Goes West

An American Tail: Fievel Goes West

Developer: Hudson Soft    Publisher: Hudson Soft    Released: 1994    Genre: Platformer It is only recently that I have noticed the almost complete absence of movie licensed games. Once a staple of the industry it was not a question of if a...
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Die Hard

Die Hard

Developer: Pack-In-Video    Publisher: Activision    Released: 1992    Genre: Action Licensed video games during the 8-bit era were especially bad. For every DuckTales or Mission Impossible there were countless pieces of tosh like Rambo or Back to the...
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The Punisher

The Punisher

Developer: Sculptured Software     Publisher: Capcom     Released: 1994     Genre: Beat ’em up Of the many beat em ups that graced the arcade the Punisher was one of my favorites. It might be because I am a lifelong comic book fan so...
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Firepower 2000

Firepower 2000

Developer: Sales Curve Ltd.    Publisher: Sunsoft    Released: 1992    Genre: Shooter The Amiga has always been an interesting platform. I never owned one, nor did I know anyone that did. Its library is a blind spot in my...
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Keith Courage in the Alpha Zones

Keith Courage in the Alpha Zones

Developer: Hudson Soft     Publisher: NEC     Released: 1989     Genre: Platformer New system launches are always an exciting time for video game fans. The promise of new technology and what it may bring to the games you love is always exciting. Th...
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Developer: Capcom      Publisher: Capcom      Released: 1987      Genre: Action Capcom did not get off to a good start with their NES games. 1942 is a disaster of a video game that should be studied by future generations as a guide...
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Samurai Ghost

Samurai Ghost

Developer: Namco    Publisher: Namco     Released:1992     Genre: Action In America the Turbo Grafx-16 had little third party support. NEC did the best they could but the lion’s share of games for the PC Engine never reached the US.  Curiously on...
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Developer: Sonic Team      Publisher: Sega      Released: 02/16/95      Genre: Platformer I love the period toward the end of a console’s life. With years of experience under their belt developers have crafted some truly exceptional, hardware ...
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Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible

Developer: Konami    Publisher: Ultra Games    Release: 09/90    Genre: Action Konami were one of the few NES publishers whose output I would buy sight unseen. I even bought their sports games and I’m not even into the genre. That...
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