Psychic Storm

Psychic Storm

Developer: AlfaSystem    Publisher: Lasersoft    Release: 03/19/92    Genre: Shooter I pride myself on being a well-informed gamer. Back in the days when everyone relied on the back of the box for their purchases I devoured any gaming magazine...
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Ikari Warriors II: Victory Road

Ikari Warriors II: Victory Road

Developer: Micronics    Publisher: SNK    Release: 04/88    Genre: Action Buying new games when you are young is akin to a religious experience. For most children new games were a rarity, usually relegated to birthdays and the occasional holiday. Your...
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Super Earth Defense Force

Super Earth Defense Force

Developer: Jaleco    Publisher: Jaleco    Release: 1992   Genre: Shooter These days the name Earth Defense Force conjures up images of hordes of insects in janky environments with a suspect frame rate. But before the bug blasting series was conceived Ea...
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Dahna: Megami Tanjo

Dahna: Megami Tanjo

Developer: I.G.S    Publisher: I.G.S    Release: 12/20/91    Genre: Action Say what you will about Sega today but back in the 16-bit era they gave the Genesis excellent support. If third parties would or could not support the system they licensed thei...
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R.C. Pro Am

R.C. Pro Am

Developer: Rare    Publisher: Nintendo    Release: 02/88   Genre: Racing R.C. Pro Am is a strange one when it comes to my memories of it. I both love and hate the game for numerous reasons. As one of the first isometric...
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Pocky & Rocky 2

Pocky & Rocky 2

 Developer: Natsume    Publisher: Natsume    Release: 1994    Genre: Action The original Pocky & Rocky is one of my favorite SNES surprises. I remember the extremely high reviews but thought it was too silly to take seriously.  Then I rented it.....
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Developer: Konami    Publisher: Konami    Release: 1994    Genre: Platformer Of all the mascot platformers released during the 16-bit era Rocket Knight Adventures was easily one of the best. It was both original and insanely fun, with its fantastic le...
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Developer: Advance Communication Company    Publisher: Bandai    Release: 04/90    Genre: Action I was never fond of Dynowarz. That is pretty harsh but I figure I might as well get that out of the way. On paper it has everything a kid...
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Demolition Man

Demolition Man

Developer: Alexandria    Publisher: Acclaim    Release: 1995    Genre: Action Demolition Man was the action blockbuster of 1994. Well, at least one of them. Honestly that was a pretty stellar year for action movies with the likes of True Lies, Speed,.....
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Developer: Team Shinobi    Release: Asmik    Release: 12/08/89   Genre: Action Shinobi was one of the most popular arcade games of the 80s. Ninjas were all the rage and Sega were quick to capitalize on that with this massive arcade hit....
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