Super Smash T.V.

Super Smash T.V.

Smash T.V. was a phenomenon in the arcade and next to Street Fighter 2 and Turtles in Time is the game I probably poured the most quarters into.  It’s easy to see why: the Running Man was a popular movie...
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Chiki Chiki Boys

Chiki Chiki Boys

Developer: Visco    Publisher: Sega    Release: 1993    Genre: Platformer I like Chiki Chiki Boys.  But once upon a time that wasn’t the case. I thought the name was incredibly stupid and the childish box art did it no favors....
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Kid Niki – Radical Ninja

Kid Niki – Radical Ninja

Developer: Irem    Publisher: Data East    Release: 11/87    Genre: Platformer Christmas of 1988 is permanently burned into my memory. Like many I was excited to open my presents to see if there was a new games. What I did not expect...
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Chester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool

Chester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool

Developer: System Vision    Publisher: Kaneko    Released: 1992    Genre: Action Once upon a time food mascots were popular enough to receive their own video games. And surprisingly some of these games were actually good! Cool Spot is an example of a....
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Dynamite Duke

Dynamite Duke

Developer: Seibu Kaihatsu    Publisher: Sega    Release: 12/90    Genre: Action Of the early Sega Genesis lineup Dynamite Duke was the last game I got around to. They say do not judge a book by its cover but that is precisely...
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Over Horizon

Over Horizon

Developer: Pixel    Publisher: Hot B    Release: 1991   Genre: Shooter Its funny to look back on the Nintendo shooter library. Despite the system’s slow processor it built up quite an excellent library within the genre. Of course, a large part...
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Brawl Brothers

Brawl Brothers

Developer: Jaleco    Publisher: Jaleco    Release: 1993   Genre: Beat em up In spite of how generic it was I still kind of liked Rival Turf. It was as blatant a Final Fight clone as possible but it still had charm....
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Rayxanber II

Rayxanber II

Developer: Data West    Publisher: Data West    Release: 06/07/91    Genre: Shooter I have played many difficult games in my time as a gamer. But few have ever made me as angry as Rayxanber II. I can appreciate a decent challenge...
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Ikari Warriors

Ikari Warriors

Developer: Micronics    Publisher: SNK    Release: 05/87    Genre: Action Sometimes I miss the big dumb action movie phase of the 1980s. I will fully admit that most of those films were not good upon closer inspection. But they were at least...
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Disney’s Aladdin (SNES)

Disney’s Aladdin (SNES)

Developer: Capcom     Publisher: Capcom     Released: 1993     Genre: Platformer Disney’s Aladdin was one of the biggest movies of 1992. It is easy to see why; it boasted a star studded voice cast and exquisite animation, bringing to life that fa...
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