Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius

Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius

Developer: Konami    Publisher: Konami    Release: 12/15/95    Genre: Shooter The Parodius games have always been the secret best series you’ve never heard of. That is mostly due to their minimal presence in the US. While the arcade games received excellent SNES...
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Super Thunder Blade

Super Thunder Blade

Developer: Sega    Publisher: Sega    Release: 08/14/89   Genre: Action I have a confession to make: I’m not a big fan of games with helicopters. It is a very petty mindset, but I can’t help it. Maybe it is...
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Almana no Kiseki

Almana no Kiseki

Developer: Konami     Publisher: Konami     Released: August 11, 1987    Genre: Action I’ve been fascinated by the Famicom Disk System ever since I learned of its existence years after the fact. It was nice to learn what the expansion on the...
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Developer: HAL    Publisher: HAL    Release: 11/91   Genre: Action Whenever a new console launches it is always interesting to see how developers will use the new technology. With the Wii waggle mechanics were tacked on to every game willy nilly....
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Great Circus Mystery starring Mickey & Minnie

Great Circus Mystery starring Mickey & Minnie

Developer: Capcom    Publisher: Capcom    Release: 10/94   Genre: Platformer Capcom did justice to the Disney license with their various NES titles. Some of those titles are among the greatest video games of all time. So it stands to reason that...
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Kick Master

Kick Master

Developer: KID      Publisher: Taito      Released: 1992      Genre: Action Toward the end of the NES’ life cycle when everyone else had moved on Taito levelled up. I liked Power Blade as much as the next man but before that they were...
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Darius Twin

Darius Twin

Developer: Taito    Publisher: Taito    Release: 11/91   Genre: Shooter When the SNES first launched there were a glut of sports games and shooters. With the console’s increased power over its predecessor there were many arcade ports of popular shoote...
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Riot Zone

Riot Zone

Developer: Hudson Soft   Publisher: TTI   Release: 1993    Genre: Beat em up Next to shooters and platformers no other genre was as oversaturated in the 90s as the side-scrolling beat em up. Once Final Fight ignited the genre every...
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Silver Surfer

Silver Surfer

Developer: Software Creations     Publisher: Arcadia     Released: 11/90     Genre: Shooter Any time the Silver Surfer NES game is brought up you will hear a bunch of epithets. One of the worst games of all time. Quite possibly one of the most...
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The Ninja Warriors

The Ninja Warriors

Developer: Natsume    Publisher: Taito    Release: 02/94   Genre: Beat em up Original home beat ‘em ups usually fell into one of two categories. Those that adhered to the Final Fight/Double Dragon mold, which is the majority. And those that...
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